Chapter 4

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I woke up, my head on the cold floor of some huge building.

Mark: You're finally awake.

My brother said who was sitting on a chair a little further away from me.

Y/N: What the fuck did you do?

I groaned as I tried to stand up again.

Mark: I saved your life, that's what I did.

Y/N: Your car almost killed me.

Mark: Barricade is a...crazy guy but he wouldn't have killed you, neither would've Frenzy.

Y/N: What makes you so sure?

Mark: We have a deal going on right now.

Y/N: You're making a deal with those robot killers?

Mark: You see, our earth became the battlefield for a robot alien civil war, and we're all forced to take a side.

Y/N: You took the side of the bad guys then?

Mark: I took the Decepticon's side because I was promised safety for me and my family from them.

Y/N: And you trust them?

Mark: It's not about trust, it's about not having any other options.

Y/N: Is that also the reason for you to keep me here as a prisoner?

Mark: No, that's for your own safety.

Y/N: There's nobody out there who wants to kill me except for your robot buddies. Talking about robots, where's my car?

Mark: It's getting beat up a bit, because it refuses to give out some important information.

Y/N: What information would that be?

Mark: The location of the leader of the rebellion.

Y/N: The leader of the Autobots?

Mark: Yes, that's the one they need. It's pretty much the last piece of Intel that they need to go on with their plan. There's another little step that needs to be done, but I'll take care of it in a few minutes.

Y/N: What's their plan?

Mark: They need an artifact which is located somewhere on this earth. They call it the Allspark. A tool to help them restore their home or something like that, I didn't really get too deep into their motives.

Y/N: Are they gonna destroy our earth?

Mark: In the worst case scenario, yes.

Y/N: And you're helping them?!

Mark: Only because I have to keep you and our parents safe.

Y/N: You're a traitor.

He shrugged before standing up from his chair.

Mark: I didn't expect you to understand this, but you will soon enough. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and find something.

Y/N: What would that be?

Mark: The glasses of our great grandfather.

Y/N: Your car asked me about them too. What do you need them for?

Mark: You'll see.

That's the last thing he said before getting out of the building and driving away in his robot cop car.

I stood up and moved to another room, coming closer to the noise of metal beating against metal.

I peeked through the little window on the door and saw that thing they call Bonecrusher beating on my car which wasn't able to defend itself.

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