Chapter 16

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Prime POV

I used Jetfire's wings to fly up to the pyramid and stop the Fallen from activating the sun harvester.

Starscream was the first to leave the top, even before the impact.

I was able to grab the Fallen and pull him down with me, while shooting Megatron off the top

We crashed down to the ground, but the Fallen stood up swiftly after punching me across the face and making me stumble backwards.

He used his staff to hit me all around my body, he was just too fast and precise with his weapon, there was no way for me to block his attacks.

Fallen: You are a fool, Prime.

He hissed shortly before using his staff to sweep me off my feet and stab me through my stomach with it.

Ironhide: Optimus!

He yelled, running over to us and jumping at the Fallen, but before he could even touch him, Megatron flew past us in his jet form and grabbed Ironhide, dragging him through the air with him.

Prime: You will leave this planet!

I yelled agitated while pulling the staff out of my body and standing up again.

The Fallen wrapped his claws around his staff and rolled backwards, throwing me back and retrieving his staff.

Fallen: You really think the humans will appreciate you fighting for them? Don't make me laugh.

Two Autobots jumped him but they were swiftly dealt with by him.

Fallen: Weak.

Prime: I cannot let you have this planet! I must destroy you and your army!

I swung my fists at him in pure anger, but he blocked all of my blows with his staff.

That's when I knew I had to get rid of this damn stick.

After some fighting I managed to snatch the staff out of his hands and beat him with it.

Fully focused on beating him with his own weapon, I didn't pay any attention to anything around me until I was ripped out of my focus by a friendly scream.

I turned around to see what happened and saw Ironhide, with Megatron's fist inside his chest.

Prime: Ironhide, no!

An attempt to run over to him was stopped by the Fallen grabbing me from behind and forcing me down to my knees.

He forced me to watch Megatron rip Ironhide's spark out and take a bite from it before throwing it at me.

Megatron: You shouldn't have come here, Prime. We could've ruled together. Now look what you made me do.

Prime: You monster!

I tried to stand up but the Fallen pushed me down again and gave me two blows against the back of my head.

Fallen: We need to go to the other sun harvester, Megatron, fast.

He smacked me on the side of my head with his staff and ran off as Megatron followed me.

But instead of running past me, he looked down on me and spoke out one last warning.

Megatron: Stand down, Prime. Don't make me do the same as I did to your friend.

He turned into a jet and flew off.


Y/N: Okay, so what do we do now? Try to find Arcee again or go back into battle?

Bumblebee: Arcee will have to wait. We can't just leave the battle for so long. It will count as desertion and will be punished.

Y/N: Let's go back then.

Just as I said that, a laser beam cut through Bumblebee's legs from behind, separating them from his body and forcing him to fall down and crawl away.

Soundwave landed on the rocky cave and looked at us coldly before jumping down and walking up to Bumblebee.

Y/N: Hey, back off!

A slight slap with his hand sent me flying away.

Bumblebee: Soundwave...

He mumbled as he crawled away from him.

The Decepticon was slowly approaching him, switching his cannons around as if he was deciding which one he should use to kill Bumblebee.

Y/N: Someone help!

He looked over to me annoyed and shot at the sandy ground next to me, as a warning to shut up.

Luckily, I heard a motorcycle in the distance and when I looked over to see who it was, I sparked with joy as it was Arcee coming to help out her friend.

Arcee: You will not taste any more Autobot blood today, Soundwave.

She hissed before going back into her fighting form and using the momentum to jump at him, just to get shot down by one of his hand cannons.

Soundwave: Stand down.

He ordered her, aiming his cannon back at Bumblebee.

Y/N: No, wait!

A shot rang out in the desert, Soundwave looked down and examined the hole in his chest before turning around to see who shot him.

His face was heavily struck by a pickaxe, bringing him down to his knees.

Straxus: Revenge at last.

He calmly said, jumping over Soundwave and tearing his head out along with his spine.

Straxus: You should rejoin your brothers in battle, Autobots, your battle has become so much easier now.

He explained, dropping his pickaxe to the ground, with Soundwave's head still attached to it.

Bumblebee: Thank you.

Straxus: I hope your friend Ratchet will be able to fix you up. Your injuries look very severe.

Bumblebee: He can fix everyone.

I ran over to Bumblebee to see if I could help him somehow.

Straxus: Wait, I can carry you back to your friends.

Bumblebee: You would actually do that?

Straxus: We've come this far, haven't we?

Bumblebee: Thank you, Straxus.

Y/N: Thanks man, we really appreciate your help.

A noise brought my attention back to Soundwave's dead body.

His chest suddenly burst open and a robotic jaguar jumped out with a hiss.

Y/N: Oh shit, a jaguar!

I yelled, stumbling back and pointing at it to get the attention of the others.

Straxus: What-

The jaguar jumped at Straxus and bit down on his throat, bringing him to the ground and brutally ripping his throat out.

It then turned his attention to Bumblebee who shot at it, but it quickly disarmed him by using the sharp blades on its tail to cut his cannons in half.

Bumblebee: Ravage...

Just before it jumped at Bumblebee, I yelled at it to get its attention and once I did, I made a run from it as it followed me on all fours.

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