Chapter 9

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Starscream flew over to me and grabbed me by the back of my neck.

Starscream: There he is, Lord Megatron!

He shouted in excitement as he raised me into the air.

Megatron: What are you doing here, boy? Are you with the Autobots?

Starscream: Yes, he is! We managed to capture him once, but the Autobots were able to break into our base and rescue him!

Megatron: You let the Autobots break into our base?!

Starscream: Knock Out was responsible for the break in!

Megatron: Knock Out is a medic, he's responsible for repairing our Decepticons, not defending our base! Now...where is Knock Out?

Starscream: The Autobots killed him...along with Frenzy.

Megatron: We already lost two before the fighting even began?!

Starscream: Lord Mega-

Megatron stomped over to Starscream and snatched me out of his hand before pushing him away.

Megatron: Now. Why would the Autobots cooperate with you? You don't look like you are anything special.

Y/N: Ask my dear brother.

Megatron: What does your brother have to do with any of this?

Barricade: His brother is a high ranking police officer that is working with us.

Megatron looked over to Barricade with a surprised look.

Barricade: He has helped us greatly with the infiltration of the United States.

Megatron: Where is he and what is his name?

Barricade: Mark, and he is currently back at his parents' home.

Megatron: Does that mean the police of this land are on our side?

Barricade: Yes, that is correct, Lord Megatron. But their army is not.

Megatron: Their army will not be a problem after tomorrow morning. What shall I do with you now, human?

He asked, staring at me with his evil red glowing eyes, thinking about what he should do to me.

Barricade: We promised Mark not to harm his family. As a form of thank you for helping us.

Megatron: Mark isn't here, is he?

Shockwave: Lord Megatron, it would not be logical to kill this human and break the deal. We need the backing of the police, this makes moving through the streets so much easier.

Megatron: Hmph...Barricade, lock him up. We can use him as a hostage against the Autobots.

He ordered as he threw me at Barricade, who caught me and turned into his vehicle mode.

Megatron: Starscream, gather the other jets and continue with my plan. Bombard every human military base, and wipe them all out.

Starscream: Of course, Lord Megatron. Do we begin right away or do we wait?

Megatron: What would waiting bring us now? Attack! There is no more time to waste!

Starscream turned into a jet and flew off.

Megatron: Soundwave go back into Satellite mode and support them.

Soundwave nodded and flew up into the air without saying a word.

Shockwave: Lord Megatron, the Autobots are very likely to interfere with our incoming attacks. We should find their base and attack them to distract them from our main attacks.

Megatron: No, we should move out and find the cube, there will be a time and place for fighting the Autobots but it's not now.

Shockwave: The Autobots will most likely activate their bridge and move an army of their fighters straight into earth.

Megatron: Then let them come. Nothing will stop me once I have the Allspark.

Shockwave: As you wish, Lord Megatron.

3 hours later.

Mark POV

Mark: Alright Dad, I gotta go back to our boys.

Dad: But you already worked today?

Mark: Yeah, you know, a lot of our guys called in sick so I gotta-

Mom: Oh my God!

Dad: Honey? Are you alright?...Let's see what's going on there.

We walked over to the living room and found Mom standing in front of the TV with a shocked face.

"Thousands of casualties are spreading through our american bases as jets keep bombarding them without mercy."

Dad: What? Are those the same guys as the chopper alien robot? Where is our anti air when you need it? Goddamn!

I went out of the house and found Barricade already waiting for me in his vehicle form.

Mark: What the hell is going on?

I asked as I got in.

Barricade: Megatron is continuing with his plan.

Mark: What do our bases have to do with all of this?

Barricade: We have found out that your people have a bunch of Energon reserves. We need them. Every last drop.

Mark: We don't even know how to use Energon.

Barricade: Exactly, this is why we will take it.

Mark: You could've done it without killing a bunch of our guys.

Barricade: I don't think the humans would've been ready to cooperate with us.

Mark: You can't know since you never asked.

Barricade: Mark, this is not up for discussion anymore. Your earth will soon enough fall into a complete state of war against us. It is inevitable.

Mark: You said you'd leave once you get the cube.

Barricade: Things turned out to be more complicated than that. Not only do we need the Allspark, we also need to activate the sun harvesters of your earth.

Mark: What?

Barricade: Once we have both ready, our greatest leader will come down to this earth and help us return Cybertron.

Mark: You never told me that.

Barricade: Because I didn't even know that myself until very recently.

Mark: And where are these sun harvesters of our earth?

Barricade: Hidden in the pyramids of Egypt. This is where we will go after getting the Allspark.

Mark: That's quite a long drive away.

Barricade: We will manage. And by the way, we have captured your brother. He was caught sneaking around the battlefield.

Mark: What? Those Autobots brought him with them straight into battle?!

Barricade: Yes. But he is in safety now. Do you wish to visit him?

Mark: Yeah, sure. I don't think he'd be very happy to see me but we need to talk, whether he wants it or not.

Barricade: You should attempt to convince him to join us before it's too late.

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