Chapter 12

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Harry POV

Five days...five days of constant attacks and missile hits.

The Egyptian army has mostly deserted, and our will to fight is fading as well.

Most of our equipment got destroyed, a lot of Autobots have fallen as well.

We're hanging on but I don't think we can keep doing that for too long.

The News on the TV showed us pictures of my's safe to say that the United States has fallen.

Huge metal worms are digging through everything in their way, they come from the ground and dig themselves through skyscrapers and buildings before making them collapse.

Prime: Do not fear, Harry.

He advised as he walked up to me and looked at the images on the TV.

Harry: That's it, Optimus. You see that? My country is no more.

Prime: That is Shockwave's doing. We have defeated him once, and we can do that again.

Harry: This Shockwave guy has North and South America completely in his control. The US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, every single country over there.

Prime: They will all be freed once we kill the Fallen.

Harry: You guys talk about the Fallen all the time, where is that guy?

Prime: He's coming closer to our position, on Megatron's ship.

Harry: Great, we're getting attacked by a freaking spaceship right now? This can't get any worse.

Prime: I know you're losing hope, but we need to fight on. Remember, we have a surprise for them.


Y/N: Hey! Cyclops, you hear me over there?!

I shouted, trying to get Shockwave's attention with no success.

Y/N: You think some metal worms are gonna bring us down, huh?! Humans survived worse shit than that!

Shockwave: We are not here to eliminate your kind. We are here to restore Cybertron.

Y/N: Oh yeah? Is that why my country is getting drilled by goddamn worms?

Shockwave: We are preparing for the worst.

Y/N: Which would be?

Shockwave: If the Autobots somehow manage to win in Egypt, they will push us all the way back here, this is why we have to play it safe.

Y/N: They left you behind, you realize that, right? You're not here to make some kind of Plan B, you're here because they don't need you anymore.

Shockwave: Psychological Manipulation tactics will not cause me to doubt our plan, human.

Y/N: Whatever you say, I just wanted-

Suddenly a bunch of Autobots crashed through the ceiling and went in a defensive position around my cage.

One of them broke the cage open and grabbed me.

"Y/N, there you are, I'm Air Raid. I will bring you back to Optimus."

That's the only thing he said before jumping back into the air, turning into a jet and flying off.

Y/N: What is happening?

Air Raid: The Decepticons are constantly attacking us back in Egypt it's becoming hard to hold our positions. But that gave us the opportunity to attack their base in the US, since they're too focused on attacking instead of defending.

Y/N: Who were the other guys with you?

Air Raid: Six of my own squad. Spoilsport, Red Heat, Slash, Pipes, Pinpointer and Lightspeed.

Y/N: You guys sure have some funny names.

Air Raid: Don't let that fool you. I kicked so much Decepticon ass with them back on Cybertron, you won't ever believe it.

Y/N: Oh, I definitely believe you.

Air Raid: You'll get to know them very soon. Pretty chill guys.

Y/N: Can't wait.

Air Raid POV - one day later

A day has passed and I got no response from my squad. I told Optimus about my worries, suggested that we should look if they're okay, but he refused, telling me that holding our position in Egypt is more important.

He's a great leader but it felt like he didn't care one bit about the wellbeing of his own soldiers, that's why I had to take matters into my own hands.

I sneaked out at night, covered by the darkness and all the explosions caused by the Decepticons' air attacks.

It wasn't only me though, I wouldn't try to fight Shockwave on my own since I knew how strong he was.

That's why I took Inferno, Huffer, Impactor and Kunai with me.

Together we would be able to kill Shockwave and reclaim the human island that they call the United States.

Huffer: Driving in a desert at night surely feels different, doesn't it?

I heard him say as I flew above them at the same speed that they were driving.

In the blink of an eye, a hole formed in the ground in front of them and a gigantic scorpion jumped out, attacking them with his sharp stinger.

We quickly dealt with him by tearing his stinger from his body and ramming it through his skull.

Inferno: Now, that was easy-

A laser beam shot him from above, turning him into ashes in mere seconds.

Kunai: Wha-

Someone fell down from the sky and landed right on Kunai, crushing his skull with his foot.

Impactor: Soundwave...

He mumbled in disbelief before his skull blew up in hundreds of small pieces.

Soundwave: Correct.

The Decepticon responded coldly as he aimed his second hand cannon at me and took a shot.

Huffer: Watch out!

He shouted, throwing himself before me and getting his chest ripped open by the shot.

Air Raid: Huffer!

In pure rage, I jumped at Soundwave but regretted it immediately as his fist punched through my stomach.

I felt his cannon shot go upwards through my body, shredding everything inside of me before splitting my head in half.

Optimus Prime POV

Prime: Where is Air Raid?

I asked my fellow Autobots but getting no response.

Ironhide: Haven't seen him in quite a while, maybe he changed positions.

Prime: He can't, he's one of our main air supports.

Bumblebee: Don't worry, he'll show up, just wait.

Ratchet: Let's send out a search party to find him.

Prime: We can't let them disrupt our formations. We must stay focused.

Arcee: Optimus!

She shouted as she ran over to us.

Arcee: Megatron's ship has just crossed the border!

Prime: Impossible...

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