Chapter 10

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Soldier "Harry" POV

Harry: You think I got nothing better to do than to play chess with you in the middle of the night?

Ron: It's not like your insomnia is gonna let you sleep, isn't it?

He asked with a shrug, knowing fully well that I won't be able to fall asleep anyway.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I sat down with him.

Harry: Be honest, you just want to absolutely destroy me like you always do, right?

I asked as I leaned back in my chair, looking at him grinning back at me with the chessboard on the table between us.

Ron: That's the best way for me to cure my insomnia and go to sleep peacefully.

Harry: And I'm the one that should have the sleepless night then?

Ron: Not my problem, is it?

He asked with a cheeky smirk as he moved the first chess piece.

Harry: You know what else is not your problem? Your-

A whistle cut through the sky before an explosion absolutely destroyed one of our hangars.

Ron: What the-

A bunch of other explosions followed, putting everything around us to fire and dust as the sirens began howling.

Harry: Get down!

I yelled as I pulled him down to the ground.

Ron: Well that sure as hell is my problem! A big fucking problem!

Harry: Shhh!

Ron: Oh really? You want me to be quiet right now? As if the fucking jets above our heads would be able to hear us!

Harry: Shut up, dude. Let's not test our luck, and their patience.

Ron: You think lying down in the middle of the base is gonna help us?

Harry: What do you propose? Running into one of the many hangars that are getting bombed to bits?

Ron: No, but how about-

Something landed right before us, it was some kind of robot.

"Look at you little pathetic humans!"

It yelled at us with excitement as it drooled all over us.

"I'm gonna take you apart limb by limb before I- argh!"

A tank shell hit it right in the chest but it looked more surprised and annoyed than hurt.

The robot immediately retaliated with fire of his own, while we made a run for it.

The tank was gone in a second and the robot turned its attention back to us.

Ron: Oh shit, it's gonna get us, we gotta split up!

We both ran in opposite directions, but Ron didn't get too far as the robot used its machine gun to mow him down.

"Stay still, or I will end you like I ended your friend!"

I obeyed his orders in hopes of staying alive and getting away unharmed somehow.

"Now look at you. A pathetic little human that actually follows orders. You could've been a useful collaborator."

It explained as it slowly walked up to me, not in a hurry at all.

Harry: What do you want from our earth, robot?

"Robot? Robot?!"

It asked furious as it slammed its fists next to me on both sides.

"My name is Starscream and you will refer to me as such!"

He yelled, drooling all over me.

Harry: I'm sorry, I got it. What do you want from our earth, Starscream?

Starscream: Now that sure does sound better, doesn't it?

I nodded in response, not trying to piss it off.

Starscream: That was a retorical question, fool. But to give you an don't know how to put it so your little insect brain will understand...Let's just say-

A bunch of rifle shots hit him in the back which made him look back at the soldiers annoyed.

He began gunning them down one by one as I made a run for it, hoping he would be distracted long enough to give me time to get out of his sights.

Helicopters arrived and started shooting rockets at him, but he easily tanked it like they were nothing and shot them down in literal seconds.

A few cars passed me at a high speed which then turned into robots as well before attacking Starscream.

Starscream: Damned Autobots, always ruining the fun of others!

He shot a few rockets at them before jumping into the air, turning into a jet and flying off.

3 days later


I was in a cell, watching TV with Mark.

The news has never been more depressing than it is now.

"I speak to you from a safe underground bunker, and sadly I will have to inform you that our military has surrendered to the aliens that call themselves "Decepticons". They made a deal with them to hunt down the other faction of alien robots, called the Autobots. Also, there is currently a search operation going on to find a cube that they call the "Allspark". Once this is found, they will leave our planet once and for all. So please, if you know what this is and where it is located, tell us, so this madness can end as soon as possible."

Y/N: Are you happy now? Your boys are winning.

Mark: Why would I be happy? Our people are dying.

Y/N: You took their side, didn't you? You locked your own brother in a cell to help some alien robots? Can you fall any lower than that?

Mark: I wasn't the one that locked you in here. And I was only doing what was right. They get the cube and piss off, end of story. If we help the Autobots, this will turn into an all out war, you want that? I sure as hell don't.

Y/N: The police just turned a blind eye to all the illegal Decepticon movement on the streets. Allowing them to build up their forces in the underground, right under our noses. And now, our military is gone. What's next?

Mark: Peace, once they finally get what they want.

Y/N: Optimus is not gonna let that slide. He's gonna kill all of them.

Mark: Oh yeah? The same Optimus that left you in the middle of a battlefield and ran away? Choose your allies more wisely next time, little brother.

Y/N: I could say the same to you-

Barricade: Mark. Megatron wishes to speak to you.

Mark: We'll finish this later.

He said as he was leaving the room and shut the door.

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