S1:E2 - "Holding out for a hero"

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Janet stands before a steel door, a glass window lined with chains to bulletproof it at the top in its center

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Janet stands before a steel door, a glass window lined with chains to bulletproof it at the top in its center. She stands in front of it, curiously stretching out her arm against her own will. As her hand touches the cold, hard handle, she feels something rushing up her throat and lungs. Something warm... Yet cold all at once. Blood violently shoots out of her mouth and eyes, gasping for air yet only able to suck blood back in. She jumps up and hyperventilates. It was a dream. Obviously.

??? - Bad dream...?

Janet looks up to see a boy with parted grey hair about her age standing over her. His gloved hands feel somewhat cold against her skin. He had jostled her awake. His crimson eyes being the opposite of comforting, as his demeanor would like to suggest.

Janet - ... Uhm- N-Yeah... I've had a lot of those lately.

??? - Been there... It's why I took this line of work, to ease my mind. You must be the new recruit. Janet, was it?

Janet - Yep...! Janet Allard. You must be...?

??? - Oh! Forgive me, I get ahead of myself.

His scowl does not match his friendly tone of voice.

??? - My name is Ubel Chandley. I've been a part of this organization for two years now.

Ubel Chandly, Ghost Expert. Represented Tarot Cards:
• The Magician (reversed)
• The Empress (reversed)
• Justice (reversed)

Ubel - I don't know if I have an accent, I hope not, but my name should give away that I'm German. At Least my parents were.

Janet - Well, Guten Tag, Ubel!

Ubel - ... Pff-

Janet - what...?

Ubel - Nothing- It's just, I don't actually speak German.

Janet - Oh. S-Sorry-heh-

Ubel - No, it's fine, I appreciate the gesture. When did you fall asleep?

Janet - ... Almost as soon as I got here.

Ubel - You must've gotten a good rest, then. It's almost time to head out.

Janet - Where've you been, then?

Ubel - Oh, I've been out in the field. Specifically, I've been setting up at our location.

Janet - During the day...? But-... Ghosts don't usually act during the day.

Ubel - I know. I've just been getting the place ready. The owner left a week ago. That's how these deals usually go. People who report hauntings in their home file their complaints a week ahead of time. We help how we can to offer a temporary home, usually in a hotel.

Janet - Wow... I mean- I guess that makes sense.

Ubel - Actually we'd probably make it by sundown if we left now. Are you ready?

Dead Hunting - Season 1, "New Born"Where stories live. Discover now