S1:E9 - "Sinnerman" (1/2)

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 A Church sits atop a hill, right on the border of the town of Basalt

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... A Church sits atop a hill, right on the border of the town of Basalt. This Church is known for its powerful sermons, as well as serving the town for centuries...


??? - Sister Adams?

??? - Eh-! Yes, Sister Yune!

Sister Melissa Adams, Nun of Basalt Church. Represented Tarot:
    •    The Star
    •    Justice
    •    Temperance

Yune - You were very late today.

Melissa - Yes, I'm very sorry... I promise it will not happen again.

Yune - You say that, but you've missed three sermons and five meetings. What is up with you, lately? The others are starting to question your devotion.

Melissa - ...

Melissa takes the cross dangling down from her necklace and stares at it, closing her eyes.

Melissa - I haven't a clue...

Her vision is still watery and blurry when she re-opens them.

Melissa - ... I haven't...

??? - Soon.

Yune (distant) - Sister? Sister!?

Melissa - I-... I can't-...

Melissa hears voices chant in an ancient language she struggles to understand... She sees flame and fire rising from the ground, and a figure arises from the deepest recesses of it all. Satan. The Devil.


When Melissa's vision returns, she looks around... She sees that she is surrounded by the other Nuns of the Church... As well as the Pastor, giving a prayer before her.

Melissa - ... F-... Father Aguilar?

Father Aguilar - ... Your mind has been tainted, sister.

Father Aguilar, Pastor of the Basalt Church. Represented Tarot:
    •    Judgment
    •    Justice
    •    The Star

Melissa - ... Wh... What...?

Father Aguilar - You attacked Sister Yune. She's alright, but you scared her half to death. The chapel believes you are possessed by a devil.

Melissa - Wh- What? N-No..! I swear, I am devout...!

Father Aguilar - I know. I did not accuse you of such sacrilege, nor would I fully scorn you... Only pity.

Melissa begins to cry as she recites a prayer under her breath. She is unable to join her hands, tied to a chair.

Melissa (teary eyed) - ... What's going to happen to me?

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