S1:Finale | "Sinnerman" (2/2)

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The gates shall open soon

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The gates shall open soon...

Those gates, the gates that bind us...

They will be opened at the crack of a new day...


The only thing illuminating the inky blackness being the inside of a car and the false-warm glow of the streetlights. Janet sits in the backseat of Victor's station wagon, the door open as she contemplates what has happened.

Victor - ... J-Janet, I- I think you were only trying to help, a-and-

Janet - I know... But that doesn't matter. I got that poor girl killed.

Victor - You didn't get her killed, no one's at fault-

Janet - It is my fault, Victor!

Victor - ...

Victor, unassure how to reassure, simply sinks back into the driver's seat.

Victor - ... You gonna be alright?

Janet - ... Yeah. I think... Hey- Thanks so much.

Victor scoffs as he slinks to one side.

Victor (sarcastically) - For what...?

Janet wraps her hands around the drivers seat, and Victor's chest, hugging him from the back seat.

Janet - ... Being here.

Victor blushes as his chest tenses up. He's hesitant on his next action.

Victor - .. uhn- You're- Welcome?

Janet lets him go, crawling into the passenger seat next to him.

Janet - Really. You're just... Here. And yet, I'm already feeling better.

Victor - ... Oh- Hah. Wow- Uhm- Yeah-!

Victor is completely flustered.

Victor - ... Well. You're... Welcome?

Janet - ... No.

Janet leans forward, quickly yet softly kissing Victor on his cheek. She holds for longer than a moment, then inches away. She lingers in front of his face, expecting him to pull her back..

Victor (flabbergasted) - ... I- Uh... I-..

Janet smiles, giggling slightly as she sits back down.

Janet - You're a loser... In a cute way.

Victor (flustered) - Aww, man- I- I'm sorry- Was I s'posed to-?

Janet - Nah... You're fine as-is... We can probably go on our date now, actually... Not like they'll want me back in there.

Victor - ... You sure...?

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