S1:E4 - "Digital Bath"

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Running water

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Running water.

A bathtub draws water from the pipes, filling up until it has reached an adequate capacity and volume. Someone gets in, hoping to relax, and for a moment they have that. The warm, sloshing water. Eyes closed, they try to become one with it.

Only for something that was already there to want its space back.


Cathy finishes looking over Janet's footage in shock.

Cathy - ... Holy shit. Janet...! This is- This is remarkable!

Janet - SEE??? HAHAH!

Cathy - ... H-Huh... I had you wrong, Allard. Alright. You're dismissed, I'll have actual jobs for you tomorrow.

Janet - Oh- Thank you! Thank you so much!

The door swings open, Ubel taking off one of his gloves as it does.

Ubel - ... Allard.

Janet (show-boaty) - Hey Ubel! Guess what? I got indisputable evidence of a ghost- AND I helped it pass on!

Ubel - Wh- What??? Let me see that-

Ubel snatches the camera out of Cathy's hands. After going over the footage for a few seconds, he looks back up at Janet with shock.

Ubel - Wh- How?! How did she-

Ubel stills his anger.

Ubel (through gritted teeth) - Congratulations.

Ubel slams his glove on the desk and walks upstairs.

Cathy - You can go home Janet. Be careful!

Janet - Will do!

Janet excitedly slips out the front door.

Cathy - ... Heh. Well, she's shattered my expectations.

Ubel - ... Shatter not. This was a fluke.

Cathy - ... You're not getting competitive over this, are you...?

Ubel - No- No. No, not at all.

Cathy - ... So you won't mind if I submit Janet's footage for review from the wider paranormal investigation society as a whole, right?

Ubel (gritted teeth) - ... No.

Cathy - You're clenching your teeth.

Ubel - ... I'm going out.

Ubel goes to the back closet to get a duffel bag of equipment. He glares over at Cathy before he leaves.

Ubel (grimacing) - She got lucky. That is all.

Ubel leaves the building. Cathy doesn't linger on it and slips back into her secret office, excited to share the footage with the wider world...

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