S1:E5 - "Enter Sandman"

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Hours. It's STILL going. It's BEEN going for HOURS.

Ali materializes and glares over at the alarm clock, even at 1:03 PM, it's beeping.


Janet refuses to wake up.

Ali - Janet...???

Ali's thought process is interrupted with each. Individual. Beep. Eventually, she becomes tired of it, and chucks it across the room, breaking it.

Ali - ... Better... Janet, it's time to wake up! It's the afternoon!

Janet stretches and sits up, yawning with satisfaction.

Janet - mhm... hey ali... man- i slept great...

Ali - Janet, how the hell do you sleep through that alarm???

Janet - mhm...? what alarm...?

Ali - .. wh- What...? You didn't hear it at all?

There is a ringing at the doorbell. Janet immediately gets up to go answer it, putting on a jacket before she opens the door.

Janet - Whozzit...?

Ubel - Ubel.

Janet (frustrated) - oh.

Janet opens the door. Ubel looks down at her, almost surprised she opened it.

Ubel - ... Where were you, yesterday?

Janet - ... I was working with the to-be-weds...? With the ghost lady in their tub?

Ubel - ... What are you-? Allard, that was two days ago.

Janet - ... what...? B-But- No! That was-

Ubel - Janet, the day that you went on that assignment with Victor was September 4th. It's the 6th now.

Janet - ... wh... then- what... What happened to the 5th??? I don't remember it at all...

Ubel - ... Victor didn't show up yesterday either. He does disappear every now and again, but he usually doesn't disappear the day after he comes back.

Janet - ... So... Me and Victor both didn't show up for work yesterday, and I can't remember what happened... What...??

Ubel - Cathy just wanted me to check on you, is your dementia going to require me to look after you or-?

Janet - Hang on, mister! I wanna get to the bottom of this! Why is an entire day missing from my memory??

Ubel - ... It is quite odd... Okay, we come to a truce to get to the bottom of this.

Janet - Truce?

Ubel - In case you didn't notice, I'll make this very clear; I hate you.

Janet - ... sheesh. Tell me how you really feel.

Dead Hunting - Season 1, "New Born"Where stories live. Discover now