S1:E8 - "Little Talks"

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The cold wind of night blows on a carelessly opened window

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The cold wind of night blows on a carelessly opened window. The light shines on a woman, tossing and turning in her bed. She's shivering and sobbing, all in her sleep. The window curtains are pushed aside... Not by wind, but by something unseen. It takes the window, and closes it, latching it shut and drawing the curtain. Then, the woman's blanket is drawn over her shoulders. Now, she is left only sobbing...

??? (quiet, in-sleep) - ... Quinn...


Victor's station wagon pulls in front of Janet's house.

Janet - ... Sorry about tonight, Victor-

Victor - No, it's completely fine. We can reschedule, I get it!

Janet - Really?? You seemed really excited.

Victor - Tonight was a stressful night for you, you deserve to get some rest.

Janet - ... Thanks, Vic. Really.

Janet gets out of the car.

Victor - G'night.

Janet - 'Night.

Victor pulls out and drives away. Janet sighs and heads inside, exhaustedly slumping onto the couch as she does. The light to the room flicks on, Aubrey slumped against it.

Aubrey - ... Late job, eh?

Janet (muffled) - 'Tis the life of a PI.

Aubrey - ... I'm getting worried 'bout you, Janet.

Janet - Don't be- Don't be... I'm getting paid... I'm.... Just sleepy...

Aubrey - ... That's why I'm worried. You're getting this tired because of some make-pretend ghost hunting shit?? Are you okay???

Janet - ... It's not make-belief.

Aubrey - Ghosts can't be real, Janet.

Janet - How are you so sure?? You've really never seen anything even remotely paranormal? Not once?

Aubrey - ... One time, I had cookies. Next day, they were gone. I thought they were taken by a ghost, but it turned out to be my lying-ass fat-ass daddy.

Janet (sarcastically) - Man. What a horrible tragedy.

Aubrey - Listen, just keep getting paid, but watch yourself, okay??? I'm turnin' in.

Aubrey heads off to bed, while Janet sits disappointed on the couch.

Ali - Bah, want me to spook her?

Janet - No... God- Is she right...? I'm so tired...

Ali - ... Maybe you're stretching yourself too thin.

Janet - ... My mom needs me to. You see it, I've made a name for myself. It's one step closer to my mom.

Ali - ... Can I be real with you...?

Dead Hunting - Season 1, "New Born"Where stories live. Discover now