S1:E6 - "Semi-Charmed Life"

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A cheap-looking car pulls up to the abandoned backlot of a decrypted building

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A cheap-looking car pulls up to the abandoned backlot of a decrypted building. A boy hops out of the driver's seat and walks over to the passenger side.

Teenage boy - Aha- What D'ya think of this?

Teenage girl - ... creepy.

Teenage boy - Oh come on, no one else is here, which is why it's perfect for-

Teenage girl - I dunno... Should we be doing this... It's supposed to be really bad for us.

Teenage boy - ... I'unno. I've never done it before either.

Teenage girl - ... Y-You can try it. I'm sorry- I'm gonna pussy out.

Teenage boy - ... Ah- Fine. More for me.

The boy takes... something out of his pocket. Before he can... do it, he spots a figure standing on the other side of the backlot.

Teenage boy - ... Hey, who is that...?

Teenage girl - ... uh... You said no one would be here!!

Teenage boy - ... H-Hey- You! Get outta here! We-

The figure begins to slump forward.

??? - Go...

The boy backs away in fear.

Teenage girl - ... G-Get back in the car- NICOLAS, DRIVE!!

The boy jumps back into the car as the figure begins to move faster and faster. They try to speed out of the backlot, only to ram directly into a police car on their way out... The only major damage to either car is on the teens', however.

Teenage girl (mortified) - ... N-NICK! HOLY SHIT- NICK!

"Nicolas" - A-Agh- I'm... I'm fine... Just winded... Agh...

The two freeze as the officer shines his shoulder-light directly at them through the window.

Officer - ... You two are in a heap of trouble. Are you both alright??

Teenage girl - W-We were just hanging out in this backlot, we didn't-

Officer - This area is off limits! I'm only here because apparently you two were gonna be doing drugs out here!

Nicolas - wh- what- Who told- Officer, you don't understand, there's a psychopath here, he's gonna...?

Nicolas looks back over to the spot where they saw the figure. It's gone.

Nicolas - .. wh... what...?

Officer - You two, with me.


Victor's station wagon pulls up to the office, Janet loudly hopping out of the passenger side, excited and tired all at once.

Janet - Another one for the books!

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