Where is my mind

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guess who's sick😎🔥 (at school i almost choked trying not to cough)

Norma's point of view

It was morning, i woke up with a huge headache, it got worse due to the laughs of... Francine and Maria? why am i here? i remember i was in Onceler's car... how did i woke up on my couch?!

"Why are you two laughing?" "Because of you" "Yeah, seems like you had a 'boring' night right?" they said trying to not burst in laughs, "Do you know how am i here?", "Well, your charming boyfriend brought you here" Maria answered immediately still with a smile, "then why are you two laughing?" "Because seeing your drunk and tired face is worth of what happened" my roommates bursted in laugh again, i was getting annoyed, first of all because they were so childish in that moment, second because they weren't telling me what happened last night and i was becoming impatient.

"Okay okay, calm down, we'll tell you everything", Francine started talking, "so it was about 3am" my heart stopped for a second, because we left the building at 11pm so what happened in those 4 hours? i forget everything, so i kept listening to her, "we were sleeping, until Maria woke me up because there was someone knocking at the door, we were scared thinking it was someone bad, so i looked at the peephole and it was just Onceler lifting you, so i opened the door, he looked around the living room and then placed you gently on the couch and put his jacket on you like a blanket then kissed your forehead, how sweet he was, wasn't he?" i blushed hearing what he did for me, and i didn't even remember anything that happened in those 4 hours?! i felt so ashamed and the headache didn't help me, "what happened next? did he say something?" i asked more and more curious, this time Maria answered, "well I asked him what happened and he blankly aswered "she passed out" i looked at Franci confused, "are you drunk?i obviously asked him, "drunk? me? naaah, i'm sober enough to drive, unlike someone... oh yeah i forgot Norma passed out" he chuckled at what he said, during that... unusual conversation he never stopped looking at you" "what happened next?" i said, "nothing, he asked for a glass of water, i gave him one, then he looked at you, chuckled again and left" "yeah pretty strange" Francine added.

I put my hands on my head, "oh my God, what happened before passing out?" i was feeling really miserable, what did he thought by seeing me in that state? "wait, what time is it?" "noon" they both said, "oh my God what now?" "the real question is, why are you dressed like one of those fancy secretaries of an important man?" Maria said pointing at me, "i did him a favor" "oh? and that favor implied making you smell like perfume mixed to whiskey and cigarettes?" Francine said making fun of me, "if there's a thing that i'll never forget is that man like Onceler, when they're all together in one closed space they smoke or drink like there's no tomorrow" "yeah we could've notice that, however he didn't seem so drunk last night" "because i drank most of those drinks since he was the one driving... you know what? i'm calling him, maybe he knows what happened".

I typed the number of his company and waited an answer from the other side of the telephone handset until i heard a feminine voice, it was so shrill that it made worse my headache, "hello, this is Mr. Onceler's secretary, shocking but true if no one's answering is because right now the thneed company is closed, if you want an appointment with the owner leave a message, have a nice day", his factory is closed? during a work day? how? it never happened since his opening, maybe he has a number phone for his house, pretty strange since he lives there, maybe he wants to split personal and professional calls.

What now? i couldn't call him, it was noon, and i didn't have any idea of what happened, "uhg, how i hate this man" i whispered to myself, as if i wasn't still wearing his green and long jacket.

Hi everyone, i hope you liked this chapter, and that it was clear enough, now that i posted it i feel better with my conscience, bye bye, stay safe⭐️
(Ps: thank you so much for the 312 reads, yall fantastic💗)

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