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The time went far just like the water of a river, now it's december, even if Onceler's factories pollution only increased, thneedville was all white from the snow, the younger and older where all together to cheer because of the holidays, the kids laughing and playing over watched by a elder relative, with a sweet feeling in the heart to see their beloved nieces along with a sweet nostalgia for their childhoods; and the couples, young and old, all together getting warmer in those cold temperatures, but in all that happiness there were two sweethearts that weren't following the others, the poor Norma and the brainwashed Onceler.

But what happened? we left them with a stable relationship and a promise however, as we know, Onceler doesn't always keep his promise, and this was also the time.
December, the month where people need to make gifts for everyone while the companies only get richer, so it happened, no one knows when their stable situation broke, but it did.

Unfortunately, when norma's dad passed away, she moved to her mom's house, and slowly lost the contacts with Francine and Maria, you may ask: did Onceler comforted Norma in such a painful time? the answer is no, i mean he still was the one that payed for the funeral since he really respected her father, but except that nothing else.
So after the funeral Norma spent her time from going to work and staying closed in her room singing, playing the guitar would only remind her of her boyfriend; her mother was hurt to see her like this and she knew that even her husband would've been hurt too, so she decided to give her a "push" to make her leave this situation, so she went in her room and with her usual sweet tone she talked to her daughter "Norma please, i think you should do something about this, you were more brighter than the sun, what made you change?" "he covered the sun with his thneeds, if only he didn't became like that" Norma said hugging tight her pillow, "i know, but i can't see my daughter loose her shine, i know that Fred from up there is watching you, giving you the strength to get through it", Norma took her time to think and as for asking for an opinion "should i go and talk to him? after weeks?" "not should, MUST, show him how strong is Norma Wiggins, remember, don't ever let anyone ruin who you are, got it?", her words give to the daughter the strength to finally give an "ultimatum", she hugged her mother and changed herself, making a decision that will completely change her life.

When she reached his factory, she felt shocked, the valley had halved again from the last time she saw it, "Oh Onceler.. can't you see it?" she whispered looking at his balcony, she went inside and walked till his mother's desk, "good afternoon Isabella, is Onceler free now?" she said with more confidence than the last time, "why do you need to know?", "it's for a personal thing, is he free now?" Norma insisted because she needed to free her heart from that burden, Isabella rolled her eyes and told her that she can go inside her son's office.

"Now or never, now or never" Norma repeated in her head, she only needed to open that door and it was "done", so she did it, when Norma saw Onceler resting his head on his big desk, she felt a warm inside of her, she was deeply in love with him, no matter how looked or did, she would still love him, she stood there looking at him, but suddenly he lifted his head and saw her, "Wha- why are you here?" he wasn't sounding angry but he didn't seemed so pleased at all, he was wearing a pair of blue sunglasses, but she still saw his tired eyes.

"I need to talk to you, you know, i feel like in these lasts weeks, we're loosing each other, and you don't seem to care" she finally said it, she felt relieved now, but that feeling didn't lasted, "that's it? just some girly-doubts" he said already tired of this "i don't have tim- you know what? i wanna thank you" "you do?" Norma was puzzled, "yeah, you made me save time by coming here, a few weeks ago i had an idea" he had a sly smile, Norma was kinda nervous because she felt like he was ready to drop something that would've broke her "I already have a girlfriend" "you WHAT?" "calm down, a symbolic one: my work; and since i'm already taken, i don't need you", Norma was shocked, he said all of that like it was nothing, there was no way he preferred money over a person, it was something she couldn't contemplate, she knew that if she came there, she would've leave broken, but it still was unexpected.

"Fine, i won't bother you and your """girlfriend""", good luck for your life" "i don't need it" he said already back on work, she silently left his office and walked till the exit door, the sky was dark and as background there was a mix of machine's gears and axe swinging in the air, "what made him like that?" she kept thinking and thinking of that question while walking back home in what was left of the truffula forest, until the only sound were her steps on the snow, she looked behind herself a last ever time to see the factory almost disappearing in the dark of that polluted night.

(i'm gonna check tomorrow for spelling mistakes and so on, because now it's 00:54🛌)
Hello everyone, i'm much better now, and somehow my mind created the words for this chapter, i feel much better and i guess this is one of the lasts chapters (or maybe the last idk), merry christmas (i know i'm late) and have a happy new year, good night everyone, stay safe⭐️

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