
9.6K 87 5

(Ireland  Co  Meath 1822)

It had rained heavily over the last week, and it was still drizzly and grey and overcast. The river had swollen and was flowing swifter than usual.

 Katrina Linden wavered on the embankment as she watching the foaming swirling ripples. She was almost mesmerised by it, knowing that just a few steps forward and the river could take her. It had the power sweep her of her feet and carry her body away into oblivion.

Then she wouldn't have to think, she wouldn't have to feel, or care anymore… it was almost inviting. 'Death was preferable than returning back to him' she found herself decided, now shuddered thinking about her lecherous Uncle, whose groping hands she had just recently fled from.

Hesitantly she took a step forward, "If only she could find the strength and nerve to fling herself into the river, she would be free from all her worries and sorrows that had been heaped upon her this past few months since her father had died in debt and disgrace

She had lost her home, her way of life. People she thought were her friends, and the man she thought had wanted her had all made excuses and distanced themselves from her.  

Suddenly she felt very alone, her only relation, a gloating estranged aunt, who was taking great pleasure at her downfall, and her aunt’s husband, who insisted she come and stay with them, his charitable offer covering over his real intentions, which he had made clearer earlier that day, when he had managed to get her alone.

  If that was to be her future, what was the point of going on? Who would really care? she pondered desperately.

So intent was she on her own demise, she was not aware of the well built bearded man, who had been walking along at a leisurely pace leading his horse by the reins,  But now he  faltered and came to a halt as his grey green eyes caught sight of her standing so close to the river‘s edge.

 Patrick O’Malley found himself surveying the young woman intently.  

There was something in her stance started the frisson of concern growing in him. He thought he recognised her, not that he knew her personally, but he knew who she was, Katrina Linden, the only daughter of one of the local gentry landowners James Linden, who had recently died under scandalous circumstances that had the all the local tongues wagging.

Patrick had traded in horses with the man on occasion, though not recently.

 Which was just as well, because it was discovered after his death he owed everybody, after losing most of his money and estate in gambling debts.

Which was why Patrick was concerned for this young woman, who was teetering pale and ghostlike by the river's edge, looking like she might fall in any moment.

Perhaps she was still just  grieving for the loss of her father and was seeking privacy. 

He was not too sure if he should disturb her. Yet something compelled him to get closer to find out if she was alright.

He was trying to decide, how best to approach her and speak to her, when his horse standing next to him impatiently whinnied and snorted.

Hearing it. the young woman Katrina swiftly, looked around in alarm for the source of the noise that disturbed her. Startled to see the man and his horse, she stumbled on the edge of the river bank, slipped, and lost her footing,  she then  fell into the river with a squeal of alarm as the coldness send a shockwave through her body,  now gasping for air, struggling vainly as she felt the strong current pulling her down.

"Shit!" Patrick exclaimed,  reacting almost immediately, he jumped into the river after her. He managing to get a hold of her arm and pull her up before she went under completely,

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