Chapter Twenty

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O'Rourke and his companions had done what Patrick had ordered They were gone the following morning when he went into the barn.

Days passed, and it seemed they had managed to escape, despite the English soldiers looking for them, Although security had been tightened up, and even more soldiers were appearing in the area than ever before, clamping down on activities of the locals

It only raised further resentment, the thing Patrick had feared would happen.

But there was little he could do about it, but keep his head down, if there was no more trouble they would eventually ease up

Katrina was nervous for the first few weeks, then realising nothing was going to happen to them started to breath easy again.

 Now instead, she found herself looking back feeling almost proud of her achievements in adjusting to her new life, and making Patrick a capable wife, there was just one more area she desired to fulfil, and that was to give him a child.

She had not spoken of it openly to Patrick, but silently prayed after they made love, that she would fall pregnant, feeling sure it would be the one thing that would bring them even closer.

It was only a month after their serious argument,  and she  was realising her hopes might materialise into reality, as she found that she was already two weeks late from her cursed monthly cycle.

She would not even mention it to Patrick until she was a hundred per cent positive.

She watched him leave the house that morning to go of on his usual business, feeling secretly elated by the thought she could be carrying his child, then wondered how he would react when she finally told him,

Surely he would be pleased?

A slight flutter of doubt that he might not be so happy about it ,crossed her mind.

Would he think she was trying to replace the son he had lost? After all it seemed no matter how hard she tried she felt she could never replace Juanita his first wife.

So perhaps her giving him a child would not be such a joyous occasion for him'

Refusing to give in to such maudlin thoughts she started on what had become her usual morning routine of cleaning and baking before going out to feed and look after the hens.

Myra arrived later that afternoon, she spent most of the time with Katrina, after the incident when someone trying to attack their home. Patrick had asked Myra to keep an eye on her, and the place when he was away for most of the day, as he did not like the idea of her being on her own.

Katrina had become used to Myra calling in, and enjoyed the older woman's company

"What makes you think I am with child?" Katrina asked, flushing a deep red, finding it hard to look Myra in the eye.

"I have seen plenty of women in the first throes of childbearing, and you got that look about you

And I noticed this past week how you have been acting, trying to cover up the fact you haven't been feeling to good in the mornings" she informed her perceptively

"Really?" Katrina sounded almost dismayed, "You don't think Patrick noticed do you?"

"Ack! men don't notice anything, so probably not" Myra replied

"I was not too sure, but I was hoping-" Katrina broke of there suddenly beaming, "Do I really look like I could be with child?"

Myra chuckled, "Aye, well if the monthly curse hasn't visited you it's more likely the case"

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