Chapter Thirteen

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"I like your friend John, he seems very nice, and quite a charmer," Katrina remarked, as Patrick climbed into bed with her.

"Yeah, most of the ladies say that," Patrick grinned, "He has a certain way of charming everyone around him, but especially the women, he loves their attention"

"I can imagine," Katrina laughed, "But still, he is happily married?"

"Yes, has been for the past six years. Unlike me, he had the sense to marry a woman from the same country, creed and class" Patrick said

"How lucky for him," Katrina replied, her tone a little brittle, "And how unfortunate for you"

Realising he had put his foot in it, Patrick immediately looked regretful, "I didn't mean that the way it sounded" he attempted to back track.

"I just meant the situation here in Ireland is so much different from other parts of the world. The way people judge you, and react to what you do, and it can be very close minded" he attempted to explain

"I do understand," Katrina replied unhappily, "I guess it was hard enough dealing with peoples attitude with your first wife being Spanish and a foreigner, but at least you loved her, and I suppose it made it worth it."

Her voice was a little stiff as she continued, "As for me, it must not be much fun, being stuck with a wife people consider out of your class, and one whom you didn't particularly want anyway," she turned to lie on her back to look up at the ceiling a little forlornly.

"Hey c'mon now, I never said I didn't want you," Patrick chastised her gently, whilst trying to hide the irritation, he was feeling that she was being deliberately obtuse.

Raising himself up on his elbow, he leaning over her, looking into her face, whilst her eyes was trying hard to stare right through him, into the dim light.

He was not going to give her the satisfaction of sulking and feeling sorry for herself, especially not tonight.

"You know that's not true," his hands slid across the warm flesh of her stomach, moving slowly upwards.

"If you like, I can show you how much I want you right now," his silky tone caressed her senses as much as the touch of his fingers.

And despite trying to remain aloof, when his lips nuzzled the hollow of her neck, Katrina let out a little moan, as her earlier hurt feelings evaporated, and melted into heated desire. She arched her body against his, her arms going around him.

When Patrick's lips came up to move against hers, his tongue gently probing, sensing her weakening, much to his satisfaction, he found she only too eagerly responded.


She was still fast asleep curled up against him the next morning when Patrick awoke.

It was just starting to get light outside. Making sure he didn't wake her, he gingerly got out of bed and dressed to go into the other room, to find his friend John already up and as bright as a button.

Both men strolled outside into the cold morning air, whilst Patrick went to check on the barn.

John noticed the black burnt grassy turf nearby, and rubbed his foot over it thoughtfully

"I believe you were having some sort of trouble?" he remarked lightly, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah for now," Patrick replied, "Just some of the local natives getting restless"

"You will be careful?" John's blue eyes stared at him with open concern

"Aren't I always," Patrick replied, "Don't worry about me, I can still take care of myself" he assured him.

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