Chapter Fifteen

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Katrina discovered the more she participated and became involved in Patrick’s way of life, that there never seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done.

Between cooking and baking, as well cleaning, sewing and washing, then looking after the animals.

Now they had started to plant their potato crop and wheat.

It felt like her previous life in Linden Hall had just been some sort of dream,

There were days when she would have gladly liked to sit and back and relax, wishing there were still servants to do everything for her.

But she never complained because, although, life was harder and more laborious, which meant most nights she just fell into bed and was fast asleep in minutes, she had a sense of contentment and achievement she never felt before.

And sharing it with Patrick made it even more worthwhile.

In the end she decided that there was no point in looking back on her old life, and how it had been, It was gone, part of her past.

Unfortunately for her, she found herself facing reminders in the most unexpected times.

They was planting the potato seeds into the ground where Patrick had furrowed and ploughed the soil.

He was working ahead of her further up the field, it was quite a mild day, and Patrick had removed his shirt because he was working up a sweat with the ploughing.

Katrina would stop now and again, and watch him when he was not aware of it, especially when he had his back to her, 'and a wonderful back it was too' Katrina found herself thinking in admiration

The field they were working was near one of the main thoroughfare's to the local town, with the three foot thick hedgerow bordering it.

It wasn’t unusual for horses and their riders to pass by, including the odd carriage and carts going back and fourth.

Katrina was standing near the hedgerow when she heard the sound of carriage wheels approaching, making her glance round.

She felt as if heart had jumped into her throat, as she recognised the oncoming carriage turning around the bend.

It belonged to Lord Gilson, and as it drew nearer, she heard the familiar voice of his son Paul, whom she had been engaged to.

She had not set eyes on him from the day he had stood before her, looking rather uncomfortably, whilst tried to explain why he thought it marriage to her, was no longer possible for them under her unfortunate circumstances all those months ago.

He was not alone in the carriage, there was a pretty dark haired female sitting opposite it him, she was laughing at whatever Paul was saying to her.

There was no time for Katrina to move, and before she could lower her head, she found Paul had idly turned his head in her direction, his brown eyes on her, as the carriage drew past.

The smile on his lips was replaced by that of shocked recognition.

Then as if hastily remembering the female sitting next to him he gathered his wits about him again, and he hurriedly turned his attention back to her, not acknowledging Katrina in any way.

Katrina's heart was hammering in her chest as she watched the carriage drive past. It continue on up the narrow road, ands she imagined that the horses had suddenly picked up a faster pace, as it did so.

Paul had certainly recognised her, she had no doubt about that.

He had probably been stunned to see her of all people in a field, dressed in a simple rather dowdy gown, with a scarf tied around her head, to stop her hair getting in her face.

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