Chapter Eighteen

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As they returned home, Katrina fussed anxiously over Patrick, noticing how the right side of his face was bruised and swollen.

She found Patrick, was in a strange boisterous mood despite his injuries.. She had the feeling he had actually enjoyed the fight.

"Typical man" she scolded, "Thinking you can solve everything with your fists, a fine impression you made on me, the first time we are in public together"

"Is that the thanks I get for defending your honour?" Patrick chuckled

"And what if they had mortally injured you? What good would my honour be to me then?"

"Don't worry, it will take more than O'Rourke and his cronies to finish me of," Patrick assured her.

If truth be told he had enjoyed the fight.

The pent up frustration he had been feeling these last few weeks had finally been released on O'Rourke and his friends, which had lifted his spirits He felt very much alive, and that he could take on the world.

Yes his jaw and ribs ached a little, but it had been worth it.. He didn't expect Katrina to understand.. it was a man thing.

"Well it's just as well you still have some friends, and Gabe came to your rescue, or else it could have been much worse" Katrina realised

They had reached home as it was growing dark, Patrick went to put their horses in the stable for the night.

When he entered the cottage, he found Katrina occupied with clean rags, and heating water, wanting to tend his wounds and injuries.

"I am fine woman," he told her in exasperation, "No need for all this fretting and fussing over a few cuts and bruises"

"That is all very well for you to say, but-" Katrina started to admonish him, she never got finishing the rest of her sentence, as Patrick pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly, silencing her.

He only released his lips from hers briefly to murmur huskily "I told you I am fine, now I am going to prove it."

"A little dazed by the passion of his kiss, which had taken her by surprise, Katrina just looked up at him, "H-how?" she stammered, although she already had a good idea.

"Let's go to the bedroom and you will find out," he replied.

She only too willingly agreed…..

Much later Katrina lay next to Patrick, her body sated and her limbs entangled comfortably with his.

She was still awake, though Patrick had fallen asleep,

Even though they were in darkness she could still just make out his sleeping countenance. He was snoring gently, and she was contented just watching him, and the feeling of having him close

It had been a strange eventful few days as she thought back on them, their first big argument, then that morning they had more or less made up.

He had told her he was proud of her, and wanted her to be part of his life, which was something, Though it would have been even better if he had told her he loved her, she realised a little downheartedly.

But for now, she was contented. His lovemaking had shown her he needed and wanted her, as much as she wanted him, perhaps in time he would be able to love her. She would do all in her power to make him.

With him by her side, she felt her fears of facing the world sliding away. She would not be hiding away any longer, today had been the first step in her recovery and healing from the terrible ordeal of her father's death.

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