Chapter Fourteen

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Katrina stood in the barn staring at Patrick uncertainly, then looked at the black and white cow that stood patiently in front of them.

"You want me to milk the cow?"

"Well you have to start somewhere," Patrick replied with a wicked grin, "Its not so hard, I will show you how," he then said suddenly looking business like.

He proceeded to pull up the stool and the bucket putting it under the cow and Katrina bent down to watch him at work.

It looked simple enough, and when he had explained the procedure, then asked her if she wanted to have a go she took a deep breath and nodded.

He got up from the stool and motioned for her to sit on it with an elegant wave of his arm, which made her giggle.

Nervous and uncertain, she let him guide her hands on the cow's udder, so she would know where to put them.

He patiently explained the procedure to her once again as he did so, and when the milk scooted out into the bucket, it startled her a little making her jump, then she laughed.

Deciding she was getting the hang of it, Patrick removed his hands and stood back to let her try on her own. She was hesitant at first, but soon got the hang of it much to her delight.

But then in her new over confidence, she pressed down on the teats, not quite paying attention, and ended up scooting the milk into her face.

Patrick burst out laughing, wiping the warm milk away from her reddened face, Katrina felt silly

"It wasn't that funny," she chastised Patrick, who was still laughing

"Yes it was," Patrick insisted chuckling.

"No it wasn't she argued, realising he might never let her live it down. To get her own back, she scooped up a handful of milk from the bucket and send it in his direction, spattering his face in milk, making his laughter cease

"Now that's funny!" Katrina laughed

"Why you little-!" Patrick exclaimed making a grab for her, she let out a yelp jumping up from the stool, and running round to take refuge at the other side of the cow.

But Patrick was not going to let her of so easy, and he came after her.

She tried to run away from him still laughing, not sure what he intended to do to get revenge.

So ensued a ducking and dodging chase around the barn, with the cow watching on disapprovingly at the shouts and the laughter emanating from Patrick and Katrina.

Katrina attempted to flee out the barn door, but knowing she would get away out of his reach, Patrick made a last ditch attempt to stop her, managing to grab her by the waist and pull her back. But in doing so stumbled losing his footing and they both ended up landing on the bundle of soft hay in the corner.

Both of them breathless and laughing.

"Now for your punishment you little vixen!" Patrick exclaimed vengefully, as he rolled himself on top of her, pinning her to the ground so she couldn't escape.

He manage to get at one of her earlobes, nipping it lightly with his teeth.

At first she squirmed, and protested at his beard tickling her face, but was discovering she quite liked him nibbling on her earlobe and wouldn't mind if he done it again.

His warm breath against her neck and ear was having a totally opposite effect from punishment, she was finding it quite pleasurable,

Somehow it went from playful vengeance, to something altogether different, as she felt his lips trail down her neck, and her own mouth had turned to kiss his face.

With a new urgency her hands exploring just as much as his were.

Then their lips found each other, and she was lost. Feeling the familiar longing for him gather up from somewhere deep inside her. As they kissed his hands seem determined to remove the barrier of her dress,

It was only when she heard the cow making more noises, Katrina pulled away from him, remembering exactly where they were, on the barn floor, her passion abated slightly and her modesty took over

"W-We can't do it here" she protested before Patrick could claim her lips again

"Hmm?" he looked at her puzzled, his eyes still glazed with desire, then as if realising what she had said, he glanced around him, then looked her in the eye, she couldn't quite read his expression, but he released her and sat up.

"I guess you are right" he then agreed, "No place to take advantage of a young lady," he remarked lightly, but Katrina suddenly felt there was a distance between them again as he helped her up to her feet, he was behaving like a polite stranger instead of her husband.

She knew it was all her fault, she had caused this to happen.

She had been trying so hard to fit in and be part of his life, and for a little while they had been equals, man and woman. Class and age difference had been forgotten, until she had made that stupid remark.

Why hadn't she kept her mouth shut?

She realised all she had done was to remind him she had been bred as a lady who wasn't used to rolling around on the barn floor, and she found herself cursing her genteel upbringing which had come to the fore at the wrong moment.

Katrina had no doubt if Juanita had been alive, she would have happily rolled in the hay with Patrick, and enjoyed every minute of it.

Perhaps they had already, she realised miserably.

But she couldn't take it back, It was too late, the damage was done. Patrick was busy brushing himself down, it was like there was some form of invisible barrier between them.

"Why don't you go back to the house and clean up, I will finish  milking the cow," he then suggested,

He didn't sound angry or annoyed with her, but it seemed the moment they had was gone, and there was no chance of retrieving it.

With a slightly heavy heart and annoyed at herself, Katrina left him to it, reluctantly doing his bidding by returning to the cottage.

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