Chapter Twelve

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"It should not be long before Patrick returns," Katrina informed John Mullen, as she invited him to sit in the chair by the fire, "I take it he wasn't expecting you to call?"

"No I doubt it, I have the habit of just dropping by when the notion takes me out this way," he replied with his easy smile, then he glanced around him, "So how long have you and Patrick been married?" he casually enquired

"A few months" Katrina replied, "It happened rather suddenly"

"Really?" she found John's blue eyes scrutinising her questioningly.

"Yes, but it's a long story, maybe better left to Patrick to explain"

It was her turn to inspect him up and down. He was smaller built than Patrick

dressed in black breeches a white shirt, and a rather worn brown leather jacket.

He had an easy going manner about him. Her curiosity got the better of her now, as she sat down in the chair across from him.

"So you have known Patrick from his days in the army? Were you in the same regiment?"

"Yeah, we were friends the minute we met, both being Irish men in a strange country. We have been through thick and thin together" he replied.

"I see," Katrina smiled. But then after a moment's hesitation, she found herself asking the burning question.

"Did you know his first wife well?"

"You mean Juanita?" John enquired, "Yes, I guess I did, I was best man at their wedding sort of" he smiled

"What was she like?" Katrina couldn't help asking, now sitting forward in her seat.

John looked uncertain as how to reply to her query.

"Its just that Patrick never really speaks of her, and I do understand. I think he finds the subject too painful. But no one else around here took the trouble to get to know her… I was just curious about her," Katrina explained

"She was a good woman," Paul said, "Though she did have a fiery Spanish temper, but Patrick always knew how to sweet talk her into calming down"

"Yes I can well imagine that," Katrina smiled, "How did they meet and fall in love?" She wanted... needed to know

John wrinkled his brow as he recalled the time in the past that he shared with Patrick

"Juanita's home village was sacked by the French, they killed her husband, and she was with child, which she ended up losing, because of the trauma. Our regiment came upon the village, we had a bit of a skirmish with the French occupiers. We soon shifted them then we moved on. Juanita along with several other Spanish women joined us. We would pay them favourable, for taking care of certain amenities washing, making food, stuff like that" he explained

"Juanita and Patrick took a liking to each other. I think he felt sorry for her after she lost her husband and child, but I guess the romance between them didn't start until Patrick was seriously injured in battle this one time.

He got a bullet in the thigh which got infected, we thought he might lose a leg by the time the surgeons finished with him. But he was lucky.. Juanita nursed him back to health, the next thing we knew she became his woman.. then later his wife when she fell pregnant with his child" he finished

"I see," Katrina replied, fascinated by the tale, "She must have been a very brave woman, travelling around with you like that during wartime, then to leave her homeland to live here with Patrick, I know it could not have been easy for her"

"No it wasn't" John's expression was more sober, "But they were happy enough just being together from what I could see"

"He loved her very much, didn't he?" Katrina asked, her voice a little strained, wondering why she was doing this to herself, when it was causing her pain.

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