Chapter 12

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I stand up at that, "what do you mean I'm not the first?" I don't know why I'm surprised, it's not like he told me I was. But hearing it from his son is difficult.

Holding my gaze he tells me, "he's been having affairs for years. The first one I found about about I was a kid. He was with his assistant at the time, had her bent over the couch. And she was just the first of many assistants. And servers. And I believe once I picked up on him and moms best friend. Oh, and my..." he shakes his head. "You're better than him, Madelyn. If things aren't good at home,"

I cut him off. "Things are great at home," I say defensively.

He stands up, "if that were true you wouldn't have given in to another man hours after you left home. Don't kid yourself. Either way, you deserve more than an old man who will go balls deep into any woman he can charm."

I listen to him and I have no doubt he's telling me the truth. But it does leave me with a question. "If you know how he is, why are you so angry over me? I'm just another whore in his long list, right?"

He sits in front of me on the bed. "I don't give a shit about him, but this isn't you. If I thought he cared about you, I'd keep myself out of it. But I don't want to see you fall for him, only to get hurt. To be honest, I don't give a damn about either of your marriages. Divorce happens, it's just a thing. Trust me. I've been there. I just don't want to see him hurt you, Maddie." He covers my hand with his.

I'm stunned. Honestly incapable of speaking right now. This is not normal. And it's not like I'm some beauty queen. I'm a mom. My body is far from perfect. My teeth could be whiter. My hair gets frizzy. I have some extra pounds. It doesn't make sense.

As though he's reading my mind, his thumb begins rubbing circles on my hand. "You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?"

I pull my hand away at that, and it's like my filter is ripped from me. "Donovan, you have to give me a minute. A couple hours ago I was on my knees giving your dad a blow job in his shower." Anger flashes across his face, but I continue, ignoring his reaction, "and right now, I thought you were upset because I was having an affair with your dad and you were worried about your mom. Instead..." my voice trails off, but he finishes my sentence.

"Instead, I'm asking you to walk away from my father. Not because I'm being righteous, but because I'm being selfish. I have watched you in the office for so long. Every job I can take with you on my team, I do it. And I've never crossed a line. But if you're going to be doing this with anyone, I think it's bullshit it's him."

I'm silent again. Overwhelmed. Confused. And it must show. Instead of pushing the issue, Donovan grabs my hand, "let's get to work. Regardless of our personal lives, business must go on."

So that's what we do. We head upstairs and dive into work. I'm on the phone a little while later and feel him standing close, his hands coming to my shoulders, gently massaging. Before the call ends, he's returned to his work area. Around lunchtime, he runs downstairs and returns with bags from an order he apparently placed. Unpacking the bags, he sits my favorite sub from my favorite sandwich shop in front of me. "How'd you know what I liked?"

Putting my drink and chips, also my favorites, on my desk, "I pay attention."

About an hour after lunch, Jason calls me. Donovan points downstairs and leaves to give us privacy. I chat with him for a little bit, and he fills me in on the kids. And then, he asks me how my hotel room is and his voice changes with the question. "It's great. Not spending much time in there. A make shift office seems to be home this week, and conference doesn't even kick off until tomorrow."

He scoffs, "that's bullshit, Mads. I called the hotel to send you some wine and cheesecake last night. I was informed no one was on the resort under your name, any of the Carringtons, or under C4 Security. Where are you?" I've had him on speakerphone, and that's the moment Donovan chooses to walk back in. "Madelyn, where the hell are you? And think carefully before you answer. I won't ask you again."

Donovan steps out into the hallway and then yells, "Mrs. Davidson, can you bring the box of flash drives for the swag bags to ballroom B?"

I let my breath out. "Jase, can we talk later? I need to get back to work?"

I hear a loud bang and have no doubt he just hit something and I jump. "Dammit, Mads! You need to tell me where the fuck you are!"

Tears are spilling, "Jason, I'm in Asheville for the conference. I've got to go. I'll call you later. I love you, baby." I hang up. He's not going to like that. But I feel like I can't breathe.

A moment later, Donovan is in the room and kneeling next to me, he's arm around me, "Maddie, look at me." I cover my face as my body shakes from my sobs. He grabs my hands and pulls them away from my face, "Look at me, Maddie." This time I do. Willing myself not to cry. He squeezes both my hands in his, "why didn't you tell him you weren't staying at the resort?"

Letting out a big sigh, "because he would have flipped out knowing I was in a cabin with four men. And I was afraid of his reaction. Your dad didn't tell me until after we had left. And then, I found out you and Rafe and Dominic were coming. I was scared to tell him. He gets a little jealous."

Anger flashes across his face, but he doesn't say anything. Just holds me and let's me cry.

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