Chpt. 15

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1 month and 2 weeks later....

Michael's P.O.V

I am exhausted, irritated, in pain and suffering..

The baby was suppose to be on June 3rd but.. It turned out to be overdue!

I was suffering and couldn't stop complaining about this... Ashton and I tried to induce labor but..nothing has happened.

I was walking downstairs and sat down on the couch. I rubbed my stomach and sighed.

"Morning, Mikey.. How's the baby doing?" Ashtom said smiling happily.
"I want this brat out of me.." I said angrily.
"Maybe the baby is just not ready to be born yet.." Ashton said.

I sighed and felt a small kick. "I want you out!" I said to my stomach angrily.

Ashton's P.O.V

I slowly walked away from Michael and walked to kitchen.

"Whats wrong, Ash?" Calum asked.
"Its Michael... He's suffering.. The baby is really late and he doesn't know what to do now.." I answered.

"Did you try inducing labor?" Calum asked.
"Yeah.. Yoga ball, eating spicy food, and uh.. sex.." I answered.

Calum looked at me suprised. "You tried having sex?" He said suprised.

"Yeah.. It wasn't that bad.." I said quietly.


Michael's P.O.V

I was lying down on the couch trying to take a nap but I couldn't sleep since the baby was kicking and moving around.

I sat up and rubbed my stomach. "When are you going to get out me?" I said and put my hand under my stomach and felt a slight pain.

"Its just Braxton Hicks..." I said quietly and went back to sleep.


I had the most peaceful slumber and all of a sudden... I felt a small sharp and woke up.

"Ow..." I said and felt another one.. but this one was even a bit stronger than the last.

I felt a sharp pain and hissed in pain. "Ow.. ow.. ow.." I hissed in pain and rubbed my stomach.

"Now is the time you want to start.." I said and felt another more pain and sat up. "Ow.. Okay, lets do it your way.." I groaned and got up.

"Ashton!" I yelled out.

He quickly came downstairs and walked to me. "W-What happened?" He asked.

"The baby... Its coming.. Ow!" I said in pain and took in deep breaths.

"Are you sure?!" He asks panicking.
"Yes! This kid wants to get out now!" I said to him in pain and angrily.

"O-Okay!" He said and ran upstairs to pack everything.

I was rubbing my stomach and took in deep breaths slowly.

I groaned in pain and held my stomach. "Ugh... Please stop making hurting papa.." I groaned and breathed slowly in and out.

Ashton had the baby bag and our bags too. He took it to the car and came back for me.

Ashton's P.O.V

I came back for Michael. I put his arm around my neck and walked slowly.

He yelled out in pain and groaned loudly.

"Almost there, Mikey.." I said to him and walked out to the car.

We made it to the car and helped him get in the car.

I got in the car and turned on the ignition. I started driving

I looked at Michael quickly and he was gritting his teeth and breathed in and out slowly.

"I'm never ever ever! Letting you f-fuck me ever again!" He yelled at me in pain and anger.

"I'm sorry, Mikey!" I apologized then, smirked. "Well... what can I say... you can't resist me or my-" I said but was cut off by Michael.

"Your f-fucking dick! I hate you!" He said angrily and groaned in pain.

Michael's P.O.V

I can't handle all this pain. I yelled at Ashton full of pain and anger.

"You did this to me!" I said to him and took in deep breaths.
"I'm really sorry!" He apologized and looks frightened.

Sorry of that I stopped here!!! >_<'! Anyways, until the next chapter!!!

What do you think the baby's middle name should be? Should I give the baby a middle name?

I already picked a name but, I need a middle name or no?

Anyways, as always! Until the next chapter!!

So long!!

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