Chpt. 18

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Michael's P.O.V

I saw the nurse walk in with the doctor.

I didn't want to move because of the pressure and the pain that I was having.

They put my feet on the stirrups and I softly groaned in pain.

Ashton grabbed my hand and I tightened my grip on his hand.

"Alright.. On your next contraction push down hard." The doctor said.

I felt another contraction. I put my chin to my chest and pushed down hard.

I pushed down harder and groaned in pain. I gritted my teeth and tried to hold in my screams.

"Okay.. Good start.." the doctor said.
"Your doing great, Mikey.." Ashton said encouraging me.

I panted and got another contraction. I pushed down harder and yelled in pain.

"You'll feel some burning and stinging but thats your baby being born.." the nurse said.

I pushed down harder and felt a burning and stinging sensation.

"Ash! It stings!" I yelled out in pain and squeezed his hand tighter.
"Keep going, Michael! Your doing so well!" He said.

I pushed down harder as the stinging burning sensation increased.

"The baby's head is crowning. A few more pushes and the head is out" the doctor said.

I catched my breath as Ashton whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

Another contraction came... I pushed down harder and felt a tearing sensation.

I screamed out loud in pain as the feeling increased.

"Two more pushes and the head is out!" The doctor said while I screamed.

I felt the baby's head ripping through my pelvis. I pushed harder and tears filled my eyes as I felt the tearing, burning and stinging sensation increase.

I stopped and lied back down and panted slowly.

"The head is out.." the doctor said as I catched my breath.

Ashton removed the sweaty pieces of hair from my forehead. "I'm so proud of you, Mikey.. So proud" he said smiling.

"Now for the shoulders... this is going to be the painful part since its the widest part of the baby... Ready, Michael?" The doctor said.

I nodded and felt another contraction rip through my stomach and pushed down harder.

I felt so much pain as the feelings increased.

"Okay! One more! Big push!" The doctor said.

I pushed down harder with all my strength and screamed out louder and felt all the pain disappear.

Tears escape from my eyes and fall down my cheeks.

Ashton's P.O.V

I heard screaming cries of a baby. I saw the doctor holding a baby and tears began to fill my eyes.

"Its a girl" the doctor said happily smiling.
"Want to cut the cord?" The nurse asked.

I nodded and cut the cord. The nurse took the baby away to be checked over.

I smiled at Michael and hugged him gently. Tears escaped my eyes and falls down my cheeks.

"You are so amazing.. I love you so much, Mikey.." I said to him quietly happily.

"I'm so tired..." He said to me.
"You can rest.. I'll wake you up when they bring our baby back.." I said to him.

He slowly fell asleep and panted slowly.

The baby is born!!!! Yay!!! Omg! I bet all of you were waiting for this day to come!

Here is baby's info:

Full name:
Melody Irwin-Clifford
Birth date and time:
June 20th(date) 1:17(labor) - 9:33(birth)

I didn't want to give the baby a middle name...

Anyways, As always until the next chapter! So long!

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