Chpt. 19

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Michael's P.O.V

Ashton woke me up. "Michael.. our baby is here.." He whispered smiling.

I slowly woke up, rubbed my eyes and sat up.

The nurse held a baby in her arms and handed her to me carefully. "Here is your baby girl.." She said.

I held our baby girl in my arms. I looked at her and smiled at Ashton.

"Ashton, she is so beautiful..." I said to him quietly.
"She looks so perfect..." He said quietly and rubs her cheek with his thumb.

"What is her name going to be?" The nurse asked me.
"I liked Melody.. what do you think, Ash?" I said and looked at him.
"Yeah.. Melody Irwin-Clifford.. I like the sound of that.." He said and smiled.

"Melody Irwin-Clifford, no middle name?" She asked.
"Nope.." I answered.
"Interesting name.." She said and left.


I called my mom and told her about the baby.

Ashton held her and smiled. "I'm your daddy... I will always love you and your papa.. I promise that I won't let anything bad happen to you." He whispered to her and kissed her forehead gently.

Calum and Luke walked in. "Hello?" Luke said smiling.

"Hey, guys.." I said quietly and slightly smiling.
"Hey, how are you feeling, Michael?" Calum asked.
"A little tired and sore.." I answered.

Melody ball her fists and began to whimper. She cried and kicked her legs a bit.

"Aw.. Thats just Calum.." I said to her softly and rocked her gently.
"Can I hold her?" He asked.
"Yeah.. You need to start practicing.." I answered and handed her carefully to him.

Calum's P.O.V

I held the baby girl in my arms and looked at her. "She looks like Ashton.." I said.

"Whats her name?" Luke asked.
"Melody... Melody Irwin-Clifford.." Ashton answered.

Melody slowly opened her eyes and looked at Calum.

"Hello... I'm Calum.. thats Luke with your best friend in his tummy.." I said and held her so, she can see Luke.

"Yeah.. I hope you and our little boy are going to be great friends.." Luke said to her smiling.

"Can I hold her now?" Luke asks.
"Yeah.." Michael answered.

I handed her to Luke carefully.

Luke's P.O.V

I held the baby girl in my arms and smiled.

"Calum and I can are going to take care of you when your parents want a night off." I said.

"Your going to be spoiled rotten because you have two great parents who are going to always love you.." Calum said.

I handed her to Ashton then, he handed her to Michael.

Michael's P.O.V

I smiled and looked at her. "Maybe Luke is going to be right.." I said.

"Do you think she will like to play the guitar?" Ashton asked.
"Ash, think about that when she is older.." I said smiling amd beginning to laugh.

Ashton kissed me lovingly and I kissed him back lovingly.

I broke the kiss and smiled at him. "I love you and Melody so much.." He said as he kissed me again.

I kissed him back and I never felt this happy in my life.. I broke the kiss and smiled at him.

Well, thats it for this chapter! Next one to go into labor and give birth is Luke!

Luke is only 7 mths pregnant so, he needs like 2 more months for their baby.

Anyways, as always!! So long!

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