Chpt. 16

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At the hospital...

Michael's P.O.V

Ashton opened the door and helped me out of the car and into the hospital.

I softly whimpered as I walked slowly. I felt like I was about to die with this kid and the contractions..

"How can I help you sir?" The receptionist asks warmly.
"Uh.. My husband.. he went into labor like almost an hour ago and he is two weeks overdue." Ashton answered.

I groaned loudly and held my stomach. "I'm gonna rip this kid out of me.." I said and took in deep breaths.

"Okay, lets get you to the 3rd floor and to our labor/delivery room." She said and went to get a wheelchair.

I took in deep breaths and sighed in relief. "Oh my god... The contactions are over.." I said in relief.

"Can you walk? Your contractions are 15 minutes apart.." Ashton said and rubbed my back.

"I-I think I can... maybe, If I walk.. I could speed this labor and break my water quicker.." I said.

Ashton's P.O.V

I put his arm around my neck and help him walk slowly to the elevator.

I pressed the button to go up and walked into the elevator slowly with Michael.

He leaned against the wall and rubbed his stomach. He breathed slowly in and out.

I rubbed his back and slightly smiled.

"Are we moving?" He asks and softly groans.
"Yeah.." I said and turned around and pressed the button to go to the 3rd floor.

I rubbed his back and smiled. "Your doing great, Mikey.. I love you.." I said to him.

"Aw.. I love you too, Ash.." he said groaning.
"Its okay.. Almost there.." I said to him.

The elevator door opened and I helped him walk out of elevator slowly and walked to the front desk.

"Can I help you?" The 2nd receptionist asked.
"Uh... My husband went into labor an hour ago.." I answered as he groaned loudly and rubbed his stomach.

"Of course.. His name?" She asked.
"Michael Irwin-Clifford" I answered.

She saw searched for his name and found it. "Oh dear.. weren't you due 2 weeks ago?"

Michael's P.O.V

I nodded and took in deep breaths. I rubbed my stomach and groaned.

"Well, lets get you to the labor/delivery room" She said and got a nurse.

The nurse took us to the labor/delivery room.

Ashton helped me change into the gown.

I lied down on the bed and gripped onto the bedsheets hard and breathed in and out slowly.

Ashton grabbed my hand and kissed the front of it and slightly smiled at me.

"Your doing so well, babe.." he said to me.

I managed a weak smile and sighed in relief as the contractions passed.

"Can't you pull this kid out of me?" I asked him.
"No... I'm sorry, Mikey.." He answered.

The nurse walked in and pulled on rubber gloves. She checked my dilation and pulled off the rubber gloves, "you are at 2 centimeters.." she said.

"Labor for now an hour and a half... I'm only at 2 centimeters..?" I said and groaned.

Wow... Michael has a long way to go just to have their baby...

Anyways, I might write the next two chapters tomorrow.

As always... So long!!!

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