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((/: A.N: So welcome back y'all! 

Icepool twitched in her nest of moss inside of the ThunderClan nursery. 'Bramblestar' had been taken to the medicine den to rest for the day since he'd just come back to life after so long, but she knew something was wrong.

Something was in the air, and it just didn't feel right.

It felt wrong.

Icepool slid out of her nest, gently tugging moss over her kits to keep them warm, then padded across the camp to the entrance. She didn't know why, but something was tugging her outside. Her daughter from her first litter, Needlepaw was on guard tonight, which was strange as a warrior was usually on guard duty.

"Needlepaw? I just need to go out for a little I-" Icepool started then stopped.

Needlepaw turned her head around slowly, revealing ice blue eyes.

"N-needlepaw?" Icepool gaped.

Pawsteps thudded heavily behind her and Icepool whirled around to see Rootpaw slowly emerging from the apprentice's den with the same blue eyes.

"Rootpaw? Needlepaw? What's going on?!"

More pawsteps came from the warriors den and Squirrelflight padded out, the same blue eyes and blank expression on her face.

"Stop it! What's going on?! Answer me!" Icepool screeched half in panic half in anxiety for her family.

Then more cats came until the whole camp was full of cats with the same colored eyes and blank expressions.

Then, most frightening of all, Bramblestar came from the leaders den, a satisfactory expression rather than a blank one, and he had the same blue eyes.


"THERE WILL BE THREE, KIN OF HIS KIN, WHO WILL HOLD THE FATE OF THE CLANS IN THEIR PAWS!!!" A voice from high above in the stars seemed to bellow in Icepool's ears.

(So sorry guys I know it's very similar to the prophecy from the power of three but I couldn't think of anything else plus it kind of makes sense for this.)

Icepool shot up from her nest sucking in huge gulps of crispy, clean air.

Daisy was sleeping somewhere further in the nest and beside her, Icepool's three kits, Flowerkit, Moonkit, and Shadekit (in honor of his father, Shadowpaw) were snuggled in the moss.

Icepool relaxed her tensed muscles and lowered herself back into the nest.

It was just a dream. It was not a prophecy. StarClan is not speaking to me of all cats in the clans.

A star high in the clouds shone brightly.

And that was not StarClan disagreeing with me.

A shooting star sped across the sky.

Oh mouse dung. Icepool cursed.

What am I supposed to do with that now?

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