Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 117

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Later into the night when I was heading toward my room to retire for the day, Geoffrey approached me. He just suddenly appeared out of the blue right there on the stairs. He took me into his arms, which pleasantly surprised me.

"Hello," I said.

The man didn't reply. He simply cupped my face with his hands and then proceeded to hotly kiss me on the lips as if he had been starving for me for the last century or something. I melted against him as he urged my lips to part for him. And when they did, he plunged in his tongue and went about ravishing my mouth until I was breathless and dazed.

When he terminated the kiss and moved back, he had a satisfied smile on his lips. He said, "Your scent is getting a little too sweet for my liking, Alfie. It looks like I will have to erase it."

I tilted my head to one side, wondering what he meant. I licked my sore, after-kissed lips and then asked, "Care to explain?"

He picked me up in his arms and then carried me up the last few steps. Along the corridor, he said, "It seems the current dosage isn't enough to properly suppress the changes in your body physiology. I've noticed you're giving off a sweet scent."

That clicked.

I said, "Lord Noah told me to increase the dosage, so I'll be fine. That scent, whatever it is, will disappear soon. At least I hope so."

Geoffrey said, "The extra dosage will help suppress your body from producing more nectar, yes, but what of the flux that has already been produced?"

I said, "But it'll just disappear, right?"

Like sweat. All I need to do is shower and cleanse myself.

Geoffrey said, "Unfortunately, that's not how this works, Alfie." I noticed he had a glint in his emerald-green eyes. Not to mention that handsome one-sided smile of his that always affected me.

I realized we weren't heading toward my quarters. Instead, Geoffrey was taking me in another direction, toward the other side of the airship I had not been to before. I assumed this was where the lords' rooms resided.

I found I wasn't wrong when we came to stand in front of a door along a series of doors, and Geoffrey said a password. A low hum could be heard, indicating there was magic at work. The door unlocked and swung open by itself.

Geoffrey carried me inside, and I stared in awe at the sight I beheld. His chamber was a lot bigger than mine or the girls' on the other side of the airship. And indeed, more extravagant and luxurious as well, what with that massive bed, along with the sofa, armchairs, and coffee table. There was another door on one side of the wall, which I assumed must lead to his bathing chamber. On the opposite side of the entrance door was a wide, floor-to-ceiling tinted-glass window that slanted slightly outward so one would have a great view of the scenery as the airship flew by.

Behind us, the door closed and locked by itself. Instantly, a low hum followed, indicating the magical barrier was switched on.

Suddenly, I became nervous. My lips dry, I asked, even though I already knew the answer, "Is this your bedchamber, Geoffrey?"

He nodded. He must have noticed my body tensing up, because he said, "Relax, this isn't the first time we're doing this."

Is he implying what I think he's implying?

I asked, "Will Felix and Caleb be joining us?" Then I thought to add, "And I thought we couldn't do it in the airship because the barriers weren't strong enough."

Geoffrey said, "They won't be joining us." He put me down on the massive, luxurious bed and came to kneel on the floor in front of me. "They won't be able to control themselves. And you're right, we can't make love to you here. The barriers aren't strong enough."

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