Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 33

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I wiped tears from my eyes as I said, "Felix, I'm so sorry, but we were being hunted by some people. I don't know who they are, but the soldiers, Aria, and Brenna have all been captured."

I heard a long inhalation and then, "Fuck!"

I whispered softly, "I'm so sorry, Felix. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't help Aria and Brenna. Aria said they couldn't pass through the forcefield or something."

"Alfie, listen, darling. We're coming to get you. Tell us your position."

I shook my head. "I don't know where I am, Felix. I'm still in the woods. But I think I'm safe. So please go and rescue Aria and everyone else first. I'll be fine."

Felix said, his voice echoing through the WIFI system, "Alfie, have you got anything with you?"

I said, "Aria's magic bag."

"Good. Look for a crystal in the bag."

I picked up the purple crystal that was sitting on the ground and said, "It's here."

"That's our tracker. Only we can see it. Now, I want you to give it some of your qi and turn it toward the sky."

I frowned. "How... how do I give the crystal some of my qi?"

I wonder if I should kiss it like Felix kissed me to give it some of my qi.

Felix said, "Place the crystal near your heart and command your qi to flow out toward the crystal."

So no kissing, then?

I licked my lips and then said, "Okay. I'll give it a go."

With the crystal in my hands, I brought it close against my chest and then closed my eyes. With my mind blank, I then concentrated on forcing some of my qi out from me. Suddenly, I felt this light warmth leaving my body, and as I opened my eyes, I saw the glow of white dust particles streaming from my chest to the crystal ball.

I smiled, pleased. I said loudly to Felix, "I've transferred my qi into the crystal."

"Good boy," he said. "Now divert the qi toward the sky."

I assumed he meant directing the crystal toward the sky. Hence, I did just that. Immediately, I saw white light shine from the crystal up into the sky, which I assumed indicated my position.

"I see it," Felix said. "Shit!"

I heard the frustration in his voice and asked, "What's wrong, Felix?"

"Hold on a second, darling," he said.

I assumed he must be discussing the situation with Caleb and Leona. I gave him a few more seconds and then a few more. When he was taking too long, I got a little freaked out and asked, "Felix? Is everything okay?" Of course, my voice was shaking with worry.

"It's fine, darling," he said. "Help is on the way."

I asked, "What about Aria and Brenna and the soldiers?"

"The team has figured out the enemy's location. We're on our way to rescue them."

I sighed in relief, suddenly feeling very exhausted.

"Alfie?" came Felix's voice. "Are you all right?"

I nodded furiously. "Yes. Yes, I'm fine, Felix."

"Before I terminate the chat, I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"I need you to create a barrier to protect yourself in case something happens while you're in the woods."

Of course, it was night and wild creatures were hunting, weren't they? And there was my pure qi also, which could easily attract them.

I asked, "How?"

"Just like you did when transferring your qi to the crystal. Concentrate and transfer your qi to form a barrier around you. When you do that, say the words sage barrier. It's a magic command."

I nodded in understanding. I said, "I'll try. Give me a second."

I closed my eyes and relaxed my mind again. Then I forced my qi to flow out from my body. I must admit that it was easier this time around, controlling my qi. Then I said the words, "Sage barrier," and I faintly heard an echo of some sort around me. When next I opened my eyes, I saw a white-tinted light glow around me. It felt warm, too, like the morning sun.

I said to Felix, "I think I did it. It's supposed to be glowing white, right?"

"That's my boy," he said, and I didn't miss a hint of proudness in his voice, either.

"Thank you, Felix," I said. "Please, save Aria, Brenna, and everyone."

"I know, darling," he said. "Now I have to log off. Will you be okay?"

I nodded my head furiously. "I'll be fine. I promise." After all, I didn't want him to worry about me when saving Aria, Brenna, and the soldiers was more important.

"Then rest well. I'll see you soon," he said.

I nodded furiously again. "See you soon, Felix." Then the line went dead, and I was once again alone in the depths of the woods.

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