Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 132

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The Acaedien Skywarden airship was heading at high speed toward Rosehaven Airport, a location just outside of Rosehaven's barrier itself, and once it landed safely—albeit haphazardly—Felix made quick work in preparing Alfie. He wrapped the silk bedsheet around her slender body—for decency's sake—picked her cocooned form up in his arms, and then headed out the door with his comrades by his side.

In the airship, Aria, Leona, and Brenna—who had been informed of what had transpired—prayed that Alfie would be all right. They watched as the group headed toward what appeared to be sinister-looking thick woods, which were rumored to be teeming with wild, dangerous creatures. Of course, none of them—the girls, the soldiers, or the airship staff—could see the majestic three-story mansion that sat regally in the middle among the tall, thick trees nor the fantastical garden filled with an array of different species of roses, lilies, lavender, wisteria, wildflowers, and other flora and fauna, which was displayed brilliantly in the distance.

Down below, the seven demon lords, led by Geoffrey, headed toward Rosehaven. They came to a stop a few feet away from the magical barrier, which was invisible to the naked eye of those who didn't have an overpoweringly strong qi over level nine, per the qi level classification.

Felix tightened his arms around Alfie as his eyes met those of Caleb's. Both men wore the same worried expression.

Would Alfie be able to pass through the barrier? After all, they had no idea at what level her qi sat, since they hadn't had the chance to measure it. Furthermore, she was a human girl from another realm who had only recently discovered she had qi in her body at all.

Standing at the head, Geoffrey flicked his gaze to Alfie. He noted that her face was flushing hot, and she was groaning softly in Felix's arms.

"How are we going to do this?" Ethan asked. "If the barrier rejects Alfie, it could kill her."

Victor said, "It's best if Noah and I cast a double protection spell on Alfie in case it does reject her."

"And form a sage barrier around her too," Aaron added.

Geoffrey nodded. "If it does reject her, I will use my magic to open a small portion of the portal."

Victor said, "I'll support your magic."

With that plan sorted out, Noah and Victor stepped close to Alfie and started chanting a double protection spell on her. Within seconds, her cocooned body was cast in dark energy. Once this was done, Noah proceeded with forming a sage barrier around her too, for extra protection. Once that was done, he said, "Ethan and Aaron will enter first. Then Felix and Caleb with Alfie. The rest of us will stay behind in case the barrier does reject Alfie."

The others nodded, and Ethan and Aaron headed toward the barrier. As they easily passed through the invisible shield, a hum whispered in their ears, and within the blink of an eye, they were on the other side.

Via the WIFI communication network, Aaron said, "We're good."

With that message received, Felix and Caleb glanced at each other. They both nodded and then stepped toward the barrier.

Felix tightened his arms around Alfie, his heart pounding furiously in his chest as he took the next few steps. A hum softly echoed in his ears, and just like that, he was on the other side of the barrier.

Relieved, he chuckled while Caleb sighed. The two men smiled at each other, and then Caleb said via telepathy, "We're good. Alfie passed through the barrier safe and sound."

Sighs of relief could be heard from the other lords on the other side, and moments later, they joined them.

Ethan raked his fingers through his blond hair, his hands shaky, implying he had been nervous. "Fuck! I thought she wouldn't be able to cross over."

Victor said, "It seems Alfie's qi is strong enough to pass through the barrier, which is remarkable if you ask me, considering how young she is."

"We shouldn't underestimate our Alfie," Aaron said. He looked proud of his little student and girlfriend.

Caleb nodded in agreement. "She grows stronger and more powerful every day, and she doesn't even know it."

Felix said, "Can we talk about how awesome our darling girl is another time? Right now, we need to ease her heat, and I don't know how long I can control my lust from going berserk. If you haven't noticed, her scent is getting stronger by the second."

Everyone agreed with that, and the lords headed toward Rosehaven Mansion, which was situated a good distance away, across the thick woods on the other side. All seven used Silent Move, sending their bodies traveling at lightning speed, passing the woods and then the rose garden, and within seconds, they were standing at the courtyard of the mansion.

Here, the place was breathtakingly beautiful, with bright-red and white roses on display, and before them stood one of the most powerful elves in the land.

The elf, gray-haired with a regal-looking mustache that sat ever so perfectly below his nose and above his lips, bowed. "My lords of Acaedien. I have been informed of your arrival. My staff and I have everything prepared and ready for your stay."

Geoffrey said, "Thank you, Kirkwood."

"My pleasure, my lord," Kirkwood said. He glanced at Alfie in Felix's arms. "May I suggest bathing the young lady in the cold spring, my lords? That may help with the fever."

Aaron asked, "A cold spring?"

Kirkwood nodded. "Yes, my lord. It's one of the best remedies in aiding with fever. It helps cool down the heat."

Noah said, "Sounds like a good remedy."

Geoffrey asked, "Where is it?"

"In the southeast wing, my lord. It's part of an en suite to one of the master bedrooms."

Geoffrey nodded. "Excellent, Kirkwood, please lead the way."

The butler bowed politely. Then he turned on his heel and headed toward the entrance of the mansion with the lords following behind him. When they arrived at the master bedroom a moment later, Kirkwood left them to it after informing them that all they needed was to telepathically connect with his qi if they needed anything.

Once the butler was gone, Geoffrey and Noah proceeded with erecting thick layers of barriers around the master bedroom, while Victor and Ethan went outside to do the same with the mansion itself, despite the fact that the place was already protected with a high-tier shield, one that the majority couldn't even see, let alone sense.

Meanwhile, Felix carried Alfie into the en suite, with Caleb and Aaron behind him. There, the latter two demon lords watched as Felix unwrapped the bedsheet from Alfie. With her naked body flushing hot, he carried her into the pool of the cold spring located in the middle of the bathing chamber.

Once her hot skin touched the cool water, the men heard Alfie sigh in pleasant delight. Felix grinned, pleased, when her eyes fluttered open.

He asked, "How does it feel, darling?"

Alfie said, her voice barely above a whisper, "It feels nice."

The man chuckled. Because he couldn't help himself, he kissed her, his lips warm on her forehead. "Good to hear," he said, his breath hot on her skin.

On the other side, Caleb and Aaron sighed in relief. They watched further as Alfie relaxed in the pool, seemingly enjoying her time. About fifteen minutes later, Felix said, "Aaron, it's time."

Aaron came down into the pool and took Alfie into his arms. The girl gave him a seductive smile, and despite the fact she looked as though she was no longer in heat, he knew she was far from it. The cold spring, with its magic, was able to cool down her body and, hence, her heat, but it had not completely eased it, nor had it erased her qi nectar, which was the cause of her sexual heat.

Now it was time to completely erase that sweet nectar, and Aaron was looking forward to it.

After being transferred, Alfie eagerly snuggled her face against his chest, content.

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