Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 59

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In the end, Felix had no choice but to move on to his second plan. If he couldn't imagine the body, then he'd use that pretty face.

Continuing to rub and stroke himself, he imagined Alfie's face smiling up at him seductively. And then...




Why couldn't he go any further? He wanted to see, in his mind's eye, Alfie sucking him off. He wanted to see those ruby-red, sensual lips kissing his hard penis and the tip of that small tongue licking him. But the image faded from his mind the harder he pushed, and Felix groaned in despair.

"What the fucking hell?" He growled as he came down to his knees. Now how the fuck was he going to finish this off?

Some ten minutes later, he did manage to finish himself off by taking Noah's sexual suppression pill, which he had stored in the cupboard as backup, combined with magic pleasure easing. As the name of each implied, one was to suppress sexual craving while the other was to ease it.

The release was, as usual for Felix, an unsatisfactory and unsatisfied end.

Once he was done with showering, Felix dressed himself in his usual warrior garments of dark leather pants, which fit snuggly about his muscular legs, a loose black shirt, and a pair of military magic boots. Then he left his private quarters and headed toward the south wing.

On his way, Felix couldn't help himself and took a detour via the east wing, hoping to catch a glimpse of Alfie. Then again, it was early in the morning and the youth was undoubtedly still in bed, snoozing away. After all, they had just returned from the red-light district some four hours ago. Of course, Felix, as a demon lord and warrior, could function just fine with very little to no sleep, though he knew it wasn't the same for humans. He had heard that they needed at least seven to eight hours of sleep for their body and brain to function properly on a daily basis, which to him seemed rather inconvenient. If he was out in the field, he could go without any sleep or rest for weeks. Unfortunately, it wasn't the same where sustenance was concerned. He needed a load of it every day just to sustain his dark qi.

As he strolled across the garden, Felix eyed the windows on the second floor that he knew belonged to Alfie's bedroom. He noted that the curtains were closed and the room was dark, which was as he expected.

Once he passed Alfie's room, Felix continued toward the south wing where the military department resided.

As he approached the building, there were soldiers heading in that direction as well, at this early hour of the morning, and they saluted him as he passed. Upon entering the grand foyer, more soldiers greeted him, and as he headed toward the back to the lift that'd lead him underground, he met Caleb and Geoffrey.

Wearing his warrior garments, Caleb nodded at him in greeting. Geoffrey, wearing his rarely used black garment instead of the white, said, "Morning, Felix, Caleb. You two are early as usual."

Felix said, as they entered the lift, "I'm a bit frustrated today, so I need a good workout."

Caleb nodded. "Me, too."

Felix wondered why Caleb was frustrated. Was it sexual? Or just simple frustration? If it was sexual, did it have anything to do with Alfie?

"Sure," he said.

Once the elevator's sensor registered their dark qi, buttons to different levels below ground appeared for them to choose. There were nine floors in total, from B1 to B9, and Geoffrey choose B7, which was where the mock battlefields were located.

The elevator door dinged open a split second later, and the trio walked out into the foyer. In silence, the lords headed down a corridor, which contained a series of huge double doors on each side with names displayed in the Aurora language at the top, such as barren land, rocky mountain, wild forest, snow land, dark woods, and many more. They chose the last door, which had the display name of Wild Meadow.

Caleb logged in by writing out his signature, using his dark qi on the available magic screen residing to the right side of the door. A single beep was released, indicating that he had successfully registered into the system. Then noises of machines and gears unwinding echoed from the door, and a moment later, it opened wide, as if welcoming them.

Geoffrey said as they walked in, "I've contacted the others. In case they want to join in the fun."

Caleb nodded.

Felix said, "The more the merrier."

On the other side of this door was another world of its own. Stepping through the door into the meadow, they took in the fields of green and wildflowers stretching endlessly beyond the horizon, along with the clear blue sky above. In the distance, there were mountains and woods, and now and again, winged creatures, ranging from the small and innocent to the large and predatory, flew across the sky. This was very much like an actual open wild meadow, with the smell of fresh, clean air and grass, along with the cool breeze brushing against their skin.

This was one of the kingdom's many mock battlefields, where the hall was magically designed and created to be as close as possible to the actual environment outside. A mock battlefield was where the demon lords trained their soldiers, not only in battle and weapon usage techniques, but in taking advantage of their raw environment as well.

Every morning, the warrior lords Felix, Caleb, and Aaron would meet up and have their battle practice before training their own soldiers. The other lords would join them if they felt like it or when it was scheduled, which was once a week on a Monday, if they didn't happen to be out in the field working or visiting other kingdoms.

"All right," Felix said. "Let's begin."

Instantly, black smoke full of dark qi rose in the distance, across the meadow, and an army of zombie soldiers magically appeared, fully armed to the teeth with various types of nasty, deadly weapons.

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