Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 55

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Along the red-light district of the city, many charming buildings lined the streets, with the entrances and verandas decorated with bright lantern lights in all shades of the rainbow. Chatter and laughter drifted into the air, and the merry noises could be heard from afar. Here, one could tell that men were having a fine time and enjoying themselves, with the endless flow of alcohol, food, and beautiful women of many different natures and manners entertaining them.

Inside Butterflies Paradise, a prestigious club catering to the upper echelons of the kingdom, seven demon lords took up a private quarter of the residence. Here, the place was exotic and beautiful, with colorful flowers in full bloom, which gave off aromatic scents that enhanced love and entertainment.

The seven lords and eight beautiful women who were entertaining them resided under a large, elegant, and tastefully decorated pergola with sofas and chairs, along with other soft furnishings. In the middle was a coffee table with a bouquet of flowers and lighted scented candles giving out an even more charming fragrance into the already exotic atmosphere.

Sitting on one of the sofas were Felix and Caleb, looking both bored and pissed, despite each having a beautiful woman sitting next to them. The two warrior lords were ready to bolt at the slightest chance.

On the opposite side of the sofa sat Noah, who happened to have brought along his tablet and was currently absorbed in doing his work, completely ignoring the charming girl beside him who was doing her desperate best to draw his attention to her. Next was Aaron, who had already passed out from both alcohol and exhaustion and was currently using a woman's lap as his pillow. She even hummed to him and stroked his hair while he snoozed away.

Geoffrey, who sat on a grand chair, watched his comrades with amusement as a beautiful elf fed him grapes. Opposite him was Victor, who was pouring the girls' wine and entertaining them instead of the other way around. How typical of the Silver Prince of Acaedien.

In the end, the only one who seemed to be having a devil of a good time was Ethan, who had two women in his arms, and all three laughed, cheered, and drank like there was no tomorrow.

It was an hour later when Caleb had had enough. He stood and said, "It's getting late. I'm leaving."

"Already?" Ethan asked, more than a little drunk. "Cal... eb... you're... no... fun at all."

Caleb didn't reply and stoically headed away. Felix was about to make his escape as well, when a girl with blond hair and bright-blue eyes wrapped her arms around his middle, preventing him from moving even an inch. Her soft, large breasts were squeezed intimately and suggestively against him.

Felix sighed and looked heavenward, praying for patience. Geoffrey saw Felix's reaction and laughed, which resulted in a dark glare from the irritated man.

On the other side, Caleb sighed in relief that he was finally free from the overbearing atmosphere and hastily walked along the corridor, intending to leave the establishment and, therefore, the red-light district as soon as possible.

Desiring only the comfort and quietness of his own quarters, the dark lord headed toward the main door to make a quick exit. Just as he was turning a corner, he caught sight of a slender figure in boy's garments that seemed oddly familiar.

Alfie? But how could the boy be here of all places? This was an establishment for men, and not just any men either, but the rich and influential of Acaedien.

He eyed the youth closely. Damn, even the way that figure moved was like Alfie.

Yes, Caleb had been watching the boy, so much so that he had noticed many things about the youth, from the way he moved to the way he spoke—with that odd way that he found adorable—to the little quirks that he found lovable.

Little loveable quirks. Caleb must admit that he adored the way Alfie licked those sensual lips and inserted those strands of dark hair behind the elf-like ear. When the boy wanted to get someone's attention, he'd delicately look at the person from under those long, dark lashes, which had knocked the wind out of Caleb that first time when he had been attacked by such an innocent yet seductive move.

The figure standing at the end of the hall turned slightly. Instantly, Caleb felt the breath snatched from him. Fuck!

He marched forward and, in only a few strides, roughly grabbed Alfie by the arm.

A gasp escaped Alfie's mouth, and Caleb was both shocked and astounded. He asked, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Alfie—dressed in fetching boy's garments of dark pants that fit her slender body perfectly and a military-style jacket—stared at Caleb in surprise for a moment. With bright eyes despite the very late hour of the night and cheeks blushing a perfect pink, she grinned widely as if it were the most natural thing in the world for her to be there and meeting him.

Like bloody hell this was the most natural thing in the world, Caleb thought, encountering each other in a club catering to men, along the red-light district.

Alfie licked her lips, which drew Caleb's undivided attention, and he frowned darkly as he stared at the glistening flesh. The sight was fucking tempting.

Alfie said, "My lord, what are you doing here?"

In a gruff and irritated voice, Caleb said, "I'm with the others."

"Oh." Alfie made the sound, and Caleb didn't miss the shocked expression on that pretty face—a face that he couldn't forget despite how fucking hard he had tried. This was followed by another expression that made Caleb's heart ache.

Is that disappointment in those eyes? Yes, Caleb was sure that there was a mixture of betrayal, disappointment, and hurt that was playing about the face.

Licking those sensual lips again, which made Caleb's knees weak, Alfie said, "I'm here with Brenna. She asked me to accompany her here to see her sister. I didn't know Brenna had a sister, an adopted one, who is an elf and very beautiful, by the way. Apparently, she's very sick. I do wonder if she has contracted some sort of virus or something. Then again, it's summer, and I don't know if one could get the flu here in this world... I mean, this kingdom."

Caleb noted that Alfie was blushing severely as she rambled on about viruses.

As a matter of the fact, Caleb didn't give a fuck about viruses, whatever that was. What he gave a fuck about was that Alfie was here, and the thought that the youth might encounter some of the most beautiful women of Acaedien just didn't sit well with him. Suddenly, he wondered if Alfie wanted to have sex. This was a place catering to that, after all, and a human boy of nineteen was at the right age. As he had heard, they were very into it and even humped relentlessly like rabbits, too.

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