Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 60

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The three lords started off by stretching their bodies, and once why were warmed up, they began charging toward the zombie soldiers that were mindlessly heading their way.

As they sprinted across the field, the lords gathered their dark qi and summoned their weapons out of thin air—Felix, a kick-ass double-edged sword, Caleb, a pair of fearsome twin sabers, and Geoffrey, a majestic crossbow. All three lords' weapons were encircled in dark qi, and as they confronted and combated the zombies, the dark energy within the weapons contracted, expanded, and exploded, thus killing their targets.

Felix's fighting style was powerful, rough, forceful, and brutal. He swung his mighty sword to his left and then right as he released his dark qi, expertly and effortlessly slicing the sharp magic blade across the zombies' bodies, killing some thirty to forty cleanly in one go. Meanwhile, Caleb gracefully swung his two sabers, one in each hand, and beautifully killed some twenty to thirty zombies in quick, successive moves that one couldn't possibly see clearly. There were just shadows of swords and dark qi swiftly moving this way and that, and the horde of zombies surrounding him was killed within an instant.

On the other side, Geoffrey did a great somersault, and as he used his dark qi to support him in midair as a stepping stone, he fired his crossbow with the arrow—robed in powerful dark qi—twisting this way and that across the field and then magically striking his targets in quick succession, one after another. With a magic arrow, he could kill some twenty or so zombies in one strike.

The lords continued practicing, honing their skills, using all six senses to destroy their targets no matter where the zombies were or what these feral magic dummies were capable of with their deadly weapons. The trio was halfway finished with slaying the army when Aaron, Felix, and Victor turned up.

Victor clapped, impressed, as he watched them, while Aaron said sourly, "They always start so damned early in the morning."

"And I'm still slightly hung over," Ethan said sourly, rubbing his temple. "Why the fuck should I be here?" He turned to stare irritably at Victor. "You should have just left me alone to nurse my headache. And for fuck's sake, at least give me a blue pill or something when dragging me out of bed."

Victor chuckled merrily. "No can do, Ethan. Didn't bring any with me." He turned to the chaotic scene before them, with Felix going all out and releasing so much of his dark qi that his usual dark-brown hair now turned crimson red and flowed down his back, indicating that he had tapped into level two of hidden power.

"Wonder what has gotten into him," he said. "His fighting is very aggressive."

Ethan said worriedly, "I hope it wasn't because we dragged him out. And now he's fucking pissed that we wasted his night."

Aaron said, "You can say the same with Caleb. What the fuck is wrong with these two?"

On the other side of the meadow, Caleb had also tapped into his level-two hidden power, with his dark hair now even darker, if that was possible, and longer, too, with the length flowing down his back while his body was surrounded by an orb of dark energy that was pulsating.

Aaron asked, "Shall we get going?"

Victor nodded enthusiastically while Ethan groaned. Aaron and Victor charged in while Ethan sighed, looked heavenward, and then followed them.

The three lords gathered their dark qi and summoned their weapons from thin air—Aaron, a deadly curved sword, Ethan, a devilish scythe, and Victor, a wicked rifle. All three lords' weapons were wrapped in dark qi.

Aaron, with his quick, deadly moves, swiftly sliced and decapitated fifteen feral zombies in one go. Then he jumped high and landed cleanly on the grassy ground, and as he did so, his sword cleanly cut some ten zombies more in half, thus killing them. Meanwhile, Ethan screamed loudly because he was irritated and because he had a bloody headache as he swung his scythe; the sharp blade at the end mercilessly killed some ten zombies in a row. Whereas Victor, on the other hand, grinned in amusement as he fired his rifle, the bullets cloaked in the dark smoke of qi hitting his targets repeatedly. Within a few seconds, about twenty were down and dead.

Thus, the lords had a good workout, killing zombie soldiers as morning battle practice, and an hour later, it came to an end.

They had killed ten thousand zombies in total, with Felix taking the top-ranked seat at two thousand eight hundred heads. Caleb came next with two thousand five hundred, followed by Geoffrey sitting at two thousand, and Aaron at one thousand seven hundred.

Ethan and Victor's head counts were sitting at five hundred each that morning, which were pathetic numbers. But of course, this was because Ethan decided that he had enough after fifteen minutes. He left and, as punishment, dragged Victor out with him after purposely snatching Victor's rifle and wrecking it with his dark qi.

"Good job, everyone," Geoffrey said to Felix, Caleb, and Aaron. "Good battle practice, as usual. Now then, let's have some breakfast." And thus, they left the mock battle hall, which once again magically cleaned itself up, the ten thousand dead zombies disappearing in a puff of black smoke. The place returned to the peaceful and quiet scenery that was the meadow.

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