Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 83

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My body still weak and trembling something severely, I obeyed him, and my eyes fluttered open.

I dizzily looked around me, seeing seven masked faces.

Once I managed to gain some sort of sense back, I realized that all seven lords were watching me intently, as if they could really see me for the very first time.

I continued to heave, breathless and out of sorts, my body hot and wet, my head in a daze. I groaned and licked my lips as I moved in Felix's arms.

I asked, my voice weak, my lips dry, "What happened?" It was then that I noticed a tremendous bright light surrounding me in the form of glittering dust particles floating about me.

"Alfie," Lord Geoffrey's voice came my way. "You're a woman."

I was confused. Of course I was a woman. Why was he making such an odd statement?

God, I simply wanted to crawl into a comfy corner, close my eyes, and sleep the night away. I felt that weak. I felt that exhausted and dead suddenly. And that pain? What was that? I had felt like my whole body was on fire, burning and scorching.

I clutched Felix's arms, which were still wrapped tightly around my middle. I raised my face to look at the man and said, "Thanks for holding me a moment ago. I truly have no idea what that was there. But it was very painful and..."

My speech came to a stop as I realized that Felix wasn't listening to me. He was staring at me—at my face and then my breasts and then back again...

Suddenly, I paled.

Felix's eyes had turned a deep purple, not mauve, as was his usual color, and his hair was now a crimson red, the length reaching his shoulders. He also had fangs, just like a vampire. He isn't the usual Felix anymore.

My body trembling, I turned my eyes to Caleb, who was right in front of me, inches away from me. He was also staring at me hungrily, as if he were ready to devour me. His eyes, I noticed, were dark—not gray—and he also had fangs. His hair had turned even darker, if that were possible, with the length reaching his shoulders.

I began to panic as I realized that something wasn't right.

I shifted my gaze to Lord Ethan. He, too, was staring at me with that dark intensity. His sky-blue eyes had turned a paler color that looked like blue ice, while his gold mane was longer than usual. And yes, he had fangs just like Felix and Caleb.

Aaron, too, was looking at me as if he were about to pounce on me. His blond hair had turned even paler than normal, while his emerald-green eyes had turned dark and intense.

They all had changed. They weren't normal anymore.

What is happening?

I turned my attention to Lord Geoffrey, seeking help. When I saw him, I sighed in relief. He still looked like the normal Lord Geoffrey, though his gaze on me was hot and intense. The same went for Lord Noah and Victor.

Then it dawned on me. Lord Geoffrey had asked me if I was a woman a moment ago, hadn't he? When I was supposed to be a boy.


The necklace.

It was the necklace that had the magic illusion protection spell. When Caleb had taken it off me, the spell itself was lifted from me as well. Now, all seven lords could see clearly that I was actually a woman.

The fact that I was right here, embraced tightly in Felix's arms, with my breasts bare and exposed for all to see added a massive punch to the effect of my true gender being unveiled.

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