Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 52

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"Yes, my lord?" Alfie got up from her seat and rushed over to where Noah stood, now sipping his black coffee with delight.

Noah said, "As a thank-you for the delicious food, will you accept a few gifts from me?"

Noah saw the delight in those deep-brown eyes and thought, Got you, little elf.

"Really?" Alfie asked.

Noah nodded, all calm and composed. He said, "Follow me."

After placing the empty mug on the bench, Noah led the unsuspecting Alfie out of the sitting room and headed toward his office at the back of the department. There, Noah ushered the youth in, who looked around in awe.

"Wow!" Alfie said, eyes large with interest. "There are so many books here."

"It's my personal library," Noah said. "I have books on almost every subject under the sun, so to speak."

Alfie asked, "Really? Then would it be okay if I come here sometimes to borrow some books to read? I mean, I'm very interested in this world... I mean, the Acaedien Kingdom and its history."

Noah said, "Sure. You're welcome to come here and read whenever you feel like it. You have my permission. Treat this as your second home, little one."

"Thank you, my lord," Alfie said, eyes twinkling, which made Noah's knees weak.

Noah cleared his throat to get his wits about himself and said, "Come this way." Thus, he led her toward a room behind his office. There, he ushered her in, and Alfie looked around in wonder at the countless potion bottles in storage.

Noah said, "I keep the best here. They're my top-secret potions." He reached out for a bottle and said "Ahh... this one." He handed Alfie a small jar with a clear liquid-like gel.

Alfie asked, "What is it for?"

Noah couldn't help himself and ruffled Alfie's hair. "For that."


Noah nodded.

Alfie frowned. "But I don't need it. I'm not bald."

Noah burst out laughing until his stomach hurt. No, he couldn't imagine the youth going bald anytime soon. But of course, the urge to see the youth with long, glossy hair was strong, and he couldn't help himself.

When he managed to calm down, he said, "Silly boy. It's a gift, so use it. If you don't, I'll be upset."

Alfie nodded furiously. "Then I'll be sure to use it, my lord. But what exactly does it do? Make my hair grow faster or something?"

Noah nodded. "That and, of course, makes your hair very soft and shiny." He cocked his head to one side and lied, "Like Geoffrey's hair."

Alfie's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. "Lord Geoffrey uses this product?"

Again, Noah lied. "Yes." There was no harm in it, after all, as long as Alfie used it and Noah got to have a glimpse of paradise. It had been such a long time since he had encountered anyone with such dark hair and pale skin like Yuki.

"Then I'll use it as well," Alfie said, grinning.

Pleased, Noah said, "Good boy. Now then..." He moved along and pretended to inspect some more bottles filled with potions. When he got to the newest line he had developed, he grabbed the one with glowing golden pills.

Alfie's eyes widened. "Wow! They look like gold."

Noah said, "They do, don't they?" Then he proceeded to pop the lid open and pick one out. Between his thumb and finger, the little round tablet glowed a golden color. "It's yours."

Alfie asked, surprised, "For me?"

Noah nodded. "It's the latest. It's meant to increase your strength. Do you want to be stronger, Alfie?"

Alfie nodded furiously. "Yes, I do. So... this is kind of like a multivitamin or something?"

Noah cocked his head to one side. "Multivitamin?"

"It's something from my homeland. Multivitamin is kind of like all the essential stuff put into a pill. It's to keep you fit and healthy."

"Ah... that is exactly what this is," Noah said. "A multivitamin of sorts."

"Then thank you, my lord," Alfie said, putting one hand out so that Noah would drop it into her palm.

Noah ignored the awaiting palm. Instead, he said, "Ahh..." and urged Alfie's mouth to part.

Alfie hesitantly obeyed.

Once the sensual lips parted, Noah inserted the golden pill, his thumb brushing and caressing against the soft, wet flesh a moment longer than necessary.

Alfie was about to swallow when the pill melted in her mouth and an explosion of sweetness caressed her taste buds. "Mmm... it's delicious and sweet."

Noah smiled. Mission accomplished. "It is, isn't it?"

"Thank you, my lord. This tastes just like a candy."

Noah had to agree with that because that was exactly what he was doing, luring a pretty boy into his lair and seducing him with candy for his own selfish desires.

A moment later, he reluctantly walked Alfie out the door, since she had work to do, cooking another lunch for Brenna before noon.

After promising to come visit the department again, along with bringing delicious oriental food as gifts, Alfie was gone, leaving Noah feeling a little lonely.

Heading back to his office, Noah thought about lovable Alfie and what the little thing would look like when that delicate body changed physically within the next couple days after taking that golden pill. Would Alfie still be as adorable and lovable? And what if there was no change in physical appearance at all? Then Noah would know for sure that there was definitely something that was blocking his magic perception. If that was the case, then Lord Noah Wakefield, head magic researcher of the kingdom, vowed to find out what the fucking hell that something was.

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