Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 82

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Good Lord, why am I getting so thrilled and hot and turned on simply because two men are searching my back for the sign of a spell?

Finally, Caleb said, "Nothing. I see nothing."

"Hmm." Felix agreed. Or was he just grunting?

I heaved a big sigh of relief and turned, my arms still crossed over my front, clutching and hiding my sensitive breasts and aroused nipples.

My eyes downcast—because I didn't have the guts to look at either Caleb or Felix in the eyes—and my voice weak, I asked to confirm, "There's nothing on my back?"


I frowned.

I asked again, "Caleb? Felix? You two didn't find any strange sign or symbol on my back?"

When once again neither of them answered me, I finally shifted my gaze to look at them. That was when I saw that they weren't paying any attention to me. Rather, they were staring at my chest.

I panicked. Oh God! They can see me, can't they? They can see my woman breasts! So I had no stupid magic illusion spell on me after all.

I wanted to dig a hole and hide because, obviously, I couldn't face the fact that Caleb and Felix, and soon everyone else, saw me like this, half naked, a woman. The thought that they found out I was masquerading myself as a boy and never told them the truth didn't sit well with me.

I said, my voice shaking weakly, "Please, stop staring."

Felix asked, his voice hoarse and dark, "Where did you get that necklace, Alfie?"


I glanced down at myself and saw the ruby rose necklace nestled against my chest.

I said, "It's not mine. I found it in the hot spring."

Felix leaned in and reached his hand out.

Oh shoot!

I freaked out. I knew he was aiming for the necklace, but I couldn't afford to let him, considering the chance that he'd accidentally touch my unusually sensitive breasts in the process.

I made a quick escape by passing Caleb and even the perplexed-looking Aaron. Felix was after me in a split second and caught me by the waist before I could disappear from their sight.

He said, "Little elf, let me have a closer look at that necklace, darling. Now, be a good boy."

I shook my head. "Only if you let me go, Felix."

Lord Geoffrey was heading toward us across the pool now, seeing the sudden commotion.

He asked, "What the hell is going on? You two have already checked Alfie's back, and there's no sign or symbol of the spell. Felix, leave Alfie be."

Caleb said, as he turned to the other lords, his voice shaky, "It's Yuki's necklace. Alfie has Yuki's necklace."

Like he was on fire, Lord Ethan swiftly stood—water splashing about everywhere—and swore, "What the fucking hell?"

"You have got to be kidding me!" Lord Noah uttered in disbelief.

"Yuki's necklace? But I thought that bastard Philip stole it," Lord Victor said, perplexed.

"What the hell?" Aaron turned his eyes to me, more than a little astonished at the information.

By this point, I was already on Felix's shoulder—yet again like a sack of potatoes—and he was heading toward the pool where all the lords were apparently waiting for me to be delivered to them so that they could inspect this necklace I had on me.

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