Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 131

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Border between Yamato and the Forbidden Forest Kingdoms

Inside the main cabin of a small airship, Kuro stood by the window and gazed off into the distance. In his hand, he held a pendant, his thumb lovingly rubbing the smooth stone. He brought the gem up close to inspect, noting that the emerald color reminded him once again of a pair of eyes of the person who had given it to him.

"Aria," he said her name softly and couldn't wait to see her again after so long.

He hoped she would no longer consider him a child, especially now that he had grown so much and, more so, after he had trained so hard to become one of the most powerful warriors in Yamato, second only to his father, Lord Hara himself.

It had been pure chance that his assignment this time happened to be in the Kingdom of Acaedien, where Aria lived. Furthermore, as instructed by his father Lord Hara, he was to request aid from the lords of Acaedien, who were Aria's guardians. Thanks to the sudden appearance of The Great One, Kuro now had the opportunity to see the woman he had fallen for when he had first met her all those years ago, when he was just a boy.

He was still thinking about Aria when he felt The Great White Sage of Yamato's qi connecting with him. He became alert and said, "My sage."

"Kuro." Eri's voice came through. "I've just received news from Lord Aslan. Alfie is currently in the Forbidden Forrest Kingdom. Specifically, she's heading toward Rosehaven."

Kuro frowned. "Rosehaven? But that place is sacred."

Eri said, "Yes, it is. And those bastards are going to taint my Alfie there." She sighed. "Go there and work with the lords of Acaedien in protecting Alfie."

"Yes, my sage."

With their chat terminated, Kuro went about instructing the captain to change direction.


Somewhere Between the McFarland and Ederivia Kingdoms

"Can't this ship fly any faster?" Philip snapped loudly at his subordinates, causing them to huddle in the corner of the room. "For fuck's sake, it has been two weeks since we set out, and we're nowhere near our prey."

Sitting on the comfy sofa, Queen Hilde said, "It can't be helped that our technology is subpar compared to some of the other kingdoms, Philip." She sighed. "If only we had better machinery and, of course, magic to go with it."

Philip raked his fingers through his dark hair. "Better technology requires contracts and treaties with Acaedien or the Forbidden Forrest, and like hell I'm asking Father to negotiate with the likes of them after what they did with Yuki."

Queen Hilde snorted. "Personal agenda always come into play, Philip?"

Philip didn't reply. He asked, "The Great One? Where is it located now?"

As she looked into the magic crystal orb sitting on the coffee table, Queen Hilde said, "Eastbound. It's currently in the Forbidden Forest Kingdom."

Philip came to sit on the chair opposite Queen Hilde. "It's moving so fast."

Queen Hilde cocked her head to one side. "So we know that boy is with the lords of Acaedien, and from the direction they're heading, we can surmise you're going to Wulin."

"We need to get the boy before they land there."

Queen Hilde nodded in agreement. "Of course." She leaned forward. "Why don't you get some rest? You don't look well. Your dark qi is all...mucked up."

Then again, when was there ever a time Philip was well? Queen Hilde thought with a smirk. Ever since she had cast the obsession spell on him over two thousand years ago, his mind had been tampered with, and hence, his behavior and characteristics had made a one-hundred-eighty-degree turn, so to speak. He was no longer the same person. He was simply obsessed with his dead wife Yuki.

This had been Queen Hilde's plan all along. Without Philip paying an interest in Lyria's affairs, she had more power and control over the kingdom and, well, basically used it to grow her influence. Then again, she hadn't expected he'd drag her into his obsession where bringing Yuki back to life was concerned, and especially now, when he had found the source material that could actually revive Yuki.

Philip stood and headed out the door. When he went into his chamber a moment later, he collapsed on the bed, exhausted. He closed his eyes, intending to get some rest, and that was when he smelled it, the scent of a qi nectar. It was faint, but it was there.

He licked his lips as he opened his eyes, wondering which of the dark beasts' mates residing close by was in heat.


Border between Lyria and the Forbidden Forest Kingdom

Prince Maximus was immersed in reading a spell book when he sensed a change in speed to the qi that belonged to The Great One.

He called out, "Hugo!"

The captain of the soldiers stood from his seat and came toward Maximus. He asked, "Highness?"

Maximus said, "There's a change in speed and direction. Get Tyra."

Hugo nodded. He signaled for Stephan to connect with Tyra. A few moments later, Tyra appeared. "Highness?"

"Use your sight," he said. "I sensed the qi has changed direction."

"Yes, Highness," Tyra said and closed her eyes.

Maximus waited impatiently, and when Tyra opened her eyes again, he asked, "Where is it heading?"

Tyra looked perplexed for a moment. "It was on course toward Wulin, but now it's directing northward. It's still in the Forbidden Forest Kingdom but it's headed to a place I've never seen before. There's nothing there but jungle, Highness."

Maximus frowned, his mind racing. He asked, "You cannot see anything apart from jungle?"

Tyra nodded. "Yes, Highness."

Nate asked, "If it's only jungle, why would it be heading there?"

Stephan said, "Maybe the place is hidden." He turned to his comrade. "Tyra, are you even using your magic to look properly?"

The woman frowned at him darkly. "Of course I am. What are you implying, Stephan?"

Stephan looked taken aback. "Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound offensive."

Maximus said, "Tyra, does it feel like your magic has been tampered with?"

Tyra thought about this for a moment. She said, "The images of the airship and its surrounding area seem hazy, as if the line isn't clear."

Maximus turned to Hugo. "Get me the exact location of that airship. It doesn't matter where it's going. We're following it as long as that qi core is in it."

Nate asked, "Do you have an idea of where that place is, Highness?"

Maximus nodded. "I believe it's Rosehaven."

Tyra asked, "In that jungle?"

Stephan asked, "What's Rosehaven?"

Maximus said, "It's a sacred place with powerful magic. It's hidden from the world with a high-tier barrier, second only to the Aurora Barrier itself."

Hugo whistled in appreciation.

Maximus said, "None below a level-nine qi would be able to see, let alone enter, the place."

It was Stephan who whistled in appreciation this time.

Nate said, "I can't wait to find out why that airship is heading there."

A little later when Maximus was in his bedchamber, he caught a waft of the sweet scent. He frowned and inhaled deeply, wondering if it was just his imagination. Once again, he smelled it, and instantly, his blood rose with lust.

"Fuck!" he said under his breath. "Whose qi nectar is this?"

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