Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 128

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In the sitting cabin of the ship, where the air wasn't so overwhelmingly strong with Alfie's scent, Geoffrey contacted the captain via the WIFI communication system.

"My lord?" The captain's voice came through.

Geoffrey said, "We're making an emergency landing. Wait for my instruction."

"Roger that, my lord."

Geoffrey terminated the chat and then went about connecting his qi with that of the king of the Forbidden Forest, Aslan McTavish. Since they had been friends for hundreds of years, it wasn't hard for Geoffrey to find Aslan's qi wavelength, despite the vast distance between them. Aslan was overpoweringly strong, after all. In fact, Geoffrey could feel the man's energy all around the land as a marker of his territories. Such was the habit of these beasts. They branded what belonged to them, as he and his comrades had branded Acaedien and now Alfie as theirs.

Geoffrey made contact in an instant, and Aslan's deep, vibrating voice came through. "Geoffrey, it's been a long time, my friend."

Geoffrey chuckled. "It has been a long time, Aslan. Unfortunately, I don't have time for pleasantries. We have an emergency and need a favor."

"Oh?" Aslan chuckled in amusement from the other side of the line. "I can guess as to what it is that you're needing a favor for. I can practically smell something exotic and exquisite from here."

Geoffrey sighed. "Your sense of smell is remarkable, as usual."

Aslan asked, "Do you need an emergency landing?"

"Yes. The closest one available."

"Hmm..." Aslan paused for a moment. "The closest location to where you are would be Rosehaven. I'll contact Kirkwood to get everything ready for your arrival."

Geoffrey sighed in relief. "Thanks, Aslan."

Aslan chuckled. "No problem, my friend. I'll grace you with my presence once you've dealt with your delicious-smelling emergency."

Geoffrey chuckled. "The scent that strong, eh?"

Aslan said, "Yes, that strong. I've never smelled a qi nectar this powerful before. No doubt, the scent will affect beasts in the woods. I'll instruct my staff to check out the area and erect another set of barriers to ensure dark beasts aren't going berserk."

"Thanks, my friend."

"No worries," Aslan said.

With that, Geoffrey terminated the call and contacted the captain to tell him of the location of where they were to land. Once that was sorted, he headed back toward Alfie's room. He met Felix at the corridor, who looked as though he were ready to surrender.

"You okay?" Geoffrey asked.

Felix managed to nod. "Noah gave Alfie the pills," he said. "But I've never seen a girl produce so much nectar, Geoffrey, nor one with this strong of a scent."

Geoffrey nodded. "Aslan can smell Alfie."

Felix raised his brows, astounded. "From all the way at his palace? That's fucking half a country away."

"Aslan has always had a strong sense of smell, but still..." Geoffrey trailed off, wondering how the hell Alfie could produce such a strong scent that even Aslan could smell it thousands of miles away.

"So? Where are we heading?" Felix asked.

"Rosehaven," Geoffrey said. With Felix looking damn shocked, he continued. "It's the only place with the strongest barriers in the country, and it's the closest."

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