🍀 05

383 11 2


Y/N looked up at Shin's eyes, her cheeks slightly flushed at mention of their kiss and Shin couldn't help but supress a smirk seeing her pink cheeks and wide-eyed gaze.


"We'll discuss about that later. For now, I'm more curious about something else."

The playful atmosphere was quickly cut short making Y/N put her head down once again in full guilt.

"Who are you, Y/N?"

Her heart skipped a beat. But this time it was because of the anxiety building up in her gut and chest, she wasn't even aware with the fact she was bouncing her foot under the table.

Shin-- who was supposed to keep his distance from her at the moment c
because he realized.. He didn't know this girl at all yet he reached out for her hand.

Hovering his palm on the back of her hand that was resting on the table and Y/N looked up seeing Shin's understanding gaze.

"I'm sorry.." Was all she can utter out making Shin sigh.

"That doesn't answer my question.."

When silence answered Shin, another sigh left his lips, he stood up from from his seat and Y/N looked at him-- following his every move.


"Y/N. I'm really sorry if I pushed you away." Shin smiled and turned around, making his way towards the door-- eventually leaving the cafe.

Meanwhile Y/N was left there frozen from her seat. Her heart was beating rapidly inside the chest, she couldn't say it to him. She couldn't answer him, not only was she scared but she also felt guilty. Her head now completely hung low, she fished a handkerchief from her pockets and started wiping the tears that were forming at the corner of her eyes.

"It's better this way.."

Shin who was still walking far from the cafe now, had his head hung low too. His eyes were looking at his feet walking towards his black car.

Shin sighed for the third time tonight, lifting his head up , his eyes met the night sky filled with stars making him remember the night they were having dinner and he accidentally angered her cause he was seen with another girl.

Come to think of it. She was really angry that night, to the point she ignored him for days... Shin shook his head. He needed to stop leading himself on already. Y/N's actions were clear, she was hiding something and she didn't trust him enough to share it with him.

He held his car's door and hopped inside only to stop when he bent down and small arms wrapped around his torso-- hugging him from behind, turning around , the sight of her tears tugged his heartstrings.

He tried to turn around but she had her arms wrapped around him firmly-- stopping him from doing and the only sounds he can hear at the moment were her small sobs and hiccups making him sigh so he plopped a hand against the top of her head and started caressing it.

"Stop crying."

She spoke but because of her sobs it was barely understandable causing a slight blush forming on his cheek from how adorable she sounded and looked like right now. With his other free hand, he held her hand that was wrapped around his torso and removed it in a gentle manner to reassure her he wasn't mad.

To think that the once same girl who had beat him up and even shows a strong front towards the others is now tearing up just to explain herself.

When he finally managed to unwrap her arms around him, he turned around and hugged her head. Pulling her against his chest and he kept running his hand ontop of her head , pushing her hair back.

"Calm down first.." He mumbled softly against her ear but she shook her head hence, he pressed his lips against her forehead and a soft chuckle escaped from him when he felt her flinch slightly.

"Talk when you finally calm down, Y/N."

After a few minutes of just embracing eachother, both decided to go inside the car since the night felt colder. Y/N sitting beside Shin on the driver's seat , both eyes looked through the windows but their their other hand had their fingers intertwined.

Another minutes of silence passed by but Shin waited, that was until he heard Y/N taking a deep breath.

"I'm an heiress.."

Shinichiro whipped his head to her direction and saw she was already looking at him, her ocean blue eyes reflecting with his dark ones.

"Do you know the Qxnaies?"

Shin nodded as a reply, his heart beating inside his chest rapidly. The family is known for being a bunch aristocracies, however three years ago they were found secretly related to some black business which caused their family to be more secretive and even faking their death.

"I'm the last successor, Shin.."

Shin felt a pang of guilt in his chest. And to think he stormed off earlier at the cafe, and not only that, he also betrayed Reiko's trust.

"But please, sensei. If you hear her situation, don't get mad. It's worse than you think."

"I couldn't tell you because--"

Faster than a blink of an eye, Shin let go of her hand and leaned close to her, pulling her into an embrace instead when he saw her tears threatening to fall again.

'It doesn't matter anymore..'

'Heiress or not..'

'A horrible family background or not..'

'Young or not..'

'I'm still staying with her..'

"Shin.." Her voice broke but she hugged her back, after a few seconds. Shin pulled back, giving a quick kiss on her lips which caught her off guard and then he pressed his forehead against hers as he spoke-- his warm breath caressing her lips.

"Our relationship might be unconventional, but there's no one else I'd rather be with, Y/N."

Her eyes went wide, lips shivering as she looked straight into his eyes. Their hearts beating in sync upon the sudden change of atmosphere.

"W-what are you saying?" She mumbled softly.

Lifting her hand close to his lips, he pressed a gentle kiss at the back of it while looking into her eyes.

"I love you."

The Ten Year Gap \\ 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now