Chapter 1

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..... :bro what the heck is this?

Someone shouted entering inside the room...

...... Why are u even shouting Mahir?

The person opens the light and looks at his only best friend who was just enter in his room and shouting for no reason...

Mahir:what? This much happened and u were saying that why am I shouting? Seriously Shiva...

Shiva:yaa... And now you are irritating me... Just speak up?

Mahir:bro i thought I was your best friend...


Mahir:don't give me this expression...

Shiva:just split out why are u speaking all this?

Mahir:bro... As I enter I got the shocking news that you are going to get married... And don't you think you should have at least inform me that you love someone?

Shiva:I didn't love anyone...

Mahir:oh really? Than who's the girl you are getting married with?

Shiva:I just don't know... She is dadi's choice... And as I don't believe in love so i don't have any prblm in marrying her..

Mahir:are u serious? The great Shiva malhotra is going to do arrange marriage...

Shiva:hmm... And don't waste my time you already wasted my preety 5 minutes...

Mahir:it's just 5 minutes...

Shiva:so what? Don't you know how many deals I can sign in those 5 minutes...

Mahir:what the heck...

Shiva lefts from their while mahir looks on...

They both goes down and sits on dinning table for having breakfast...


Shiva:yes dadi?

Shalini:come back home till 5 ... We are going to see a girl for u today...

Shiva:ok dadi...

Mahir:so bro.. It's real...

He whispers in his ears...

Shiva:just eat... *whisper back while glaring at him*

Ahuja mansion...

Someone is sitting near balcony and looking outside while humming a song... When....

...... :didiii... *shouts*

Someone enters inside...

...... :hey ... Anshu...

Ansh:Raavi dii... You know what they were coming today...

He speaks up while taking a seat beside her...

Raavi:about whom you were talking?

Ansh:didi ... They were coming to see you today

Raavi:ohh.. Ok *normally*

Ansh:how can u be so normal Raavi didi? What if the boy small... Or too tall... Or if his facial features weren't good... If he looks so bad... What if he looks fatty or too sinky then?

Raavi:I am ok with it if he gonna love me...

Ansh:are u serious didi... If he isn't the one you wish for... If he is just opposite of yours then?

Raavi:then  ... I am going to paint him in the color of love.. That's it

Ansh:no one can compete with you...


Ansh:by the way... What is your next imaginative drawing

Raavi:it's not completed yet... I'll show you once I'll complete it...

Ansh:ok... By the way mumma is calling you

Raavi:and you are telling me now?


Scene changes...

At cafe...
Shiva:why the hell did you take me here... You were just wasting my so much time mahir...

Mahir:bro pls.... Today you are going to see that girl...

Shiva:so what?

Mahir:bro if she is not the one for u  ... If she is just opposite of yours  ... If she is fatty  .. Or sinky... Or small didn't came till your shoulder then?

Shiva:I don't care... Because I know that I am just saying yes for marriage for dadi's sake that's it

Mahir:but still bro... What if she tries to changes you?

Shiva:that's never gonna happen... Shiva malhotra is never going to change for anyone... And now u just waste your time here because I have to complete my work before reaching home... And it's already 3 ...

Shiva lefts from their while mahir start thinking...

Mahir:(in mind) I wish that girl will change him totally and make him smile like he used to do in college time...


So that's it for today...

Read this and give your reviews on this and pls vote if you like this part...

Next part on next Monday...

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