Chapter 2

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Evening time...

Ahuja villa...

Everything were settled beautiful... And they were waiting for groom's family to come ...

Vidhyunt:Avantika is everything prepared?

Avantika:yaa vidhyunt... Everything is prepared...

Vidhyunt:ohh... Ok... And is raavi is ready?

Avantika:yes... She is in her room with payal

Vidhyunt:ok... nd where is this boy?

Ansh:I am here dad...

He comes their...

Vidhyunt:boy... Don't waste time just recheck each and everything...

Ansh:ok dad...

Meanwhile on the other side... Malhotra's were already left from their house to reach Ahuja Villa... Family members were in one car and mahir and shiva is in another...

Inside car...

Mahir:bro so finally it's the time...

Shiva:just sit quite and let me do focus on driving... By the way why did you even join me... Since I know their isn't any work for you?

Mahir:woah bro... Calm down... I just want to see my would be sister in law that's why I came... Or God knows if I found my soulmate their too

Shiva:your soulmate? No chance...

Mahir:why no chance? If you were getting married than I'll also...

Shiva:for that you have to find a girl first...

Mahir:don't be so rude

Shiva just ignored him and drives towards Ahuja Villa...

Time skips...

Malhotra's enters inside Ahuja Villa... Ahuja's welcome them and make them sit on couch comfortably... Children's tooks blessings from elders...

Shiva and mahir were sitting beside each other... Shiva is in formal while mahir in jacking...

Soon raavi comes their with a cup of tea in her hands and she served them tea... As she came near Shiva and offers him the tea... He looks at her to say no because he just to drink coffee ( black coffee without sugar) instead of tea... But as he looks at her and their eyes meet for a while... Without saying anything he quietly takes the tea cup from the tray shocking his family members... Raavi than goes from their...

Mahir:someone is saying that he isn't going to change for anyone... But here someone is drinking tea which he never used to drink before... *he whisper to Shiva*

Shiva just glares at him to make his mouth shut...

Shalini:so he is my grandson Shiva... "She pointed towards Shiva with a smile"

Vidhyunt:my beloved daughter raavi... He is my son Ansh...

As he said raavi Shiva once again  looks at her and saw her already looking at him... He immediately turns his gaze other side while a small pink tint appears on his cheeks...

Maya:I think we should let the kids talk alone for a while... What say mummy ji?

Shalini:yes that would be good... Vidhyunt do you have any problem with it?

Vidhyunt:no no aunty ji it's totally fine for me

Avantika:raavi beta.. Take Shiva to your room and talk for a while

Raavi nods... Shiva stands up from his seat and started following raavi to her room... As they enters inside...

Raavi:hello I am raavi Ahuja... *smiles*

Shiva:it's Shiva malhotra... *coldly*

Raavi:uhmm... Pls seat

Shiva nods than he takes a seat on a couch which is placed in her room... While raavi sits in front of him...

Shiva:look before this relationship go ahead I want to clear you one thing... *serious tone*

Raavi is looking at him with a questioning look...

Shiva:I want be crystal clear that i just don't believe in love... So i don't think so that I'll ever fall for you... I can do anything to be a good husband and always treats you well as my wife but in case of love and to love you to make you feel what love looks like than it might impossible from my side... Sorry to say but i am not made to love anyone... Hope you understand... So now it's upto u if u still wanna do this marriage or not...

Raavi is quite...

Shiva:I know it might be hard for u to accept me after all this.. And don't worry you can say no it's totally ok...


Shiva:what? *shocked*

Raavi:yes... I am ready for this marriage...

Shiva:after knowing all this still u are ready?

Raavi:yes I am... Because I know one day you will surely gonna fall for me

Shiva:then you are wrong because it will never gonna happen..

Raavi:but atleast i can try...

Shiva:ok as your wish ...

Raavi:can i ask you something?


Raavi:If you don't believe in love than why are u getting married?

Shiva:because I respect my dadi a lot... And it's her wish to makes me get married so i am just fulfilling her wish

Raavi:oh ok...

After that they both went out...

Shalini:so kids? What's your decision?

Shivi:it's yes...

Both the family gets happy... And they immediately hugs shivi... Than shivi takes blessings from elders...

Vidhyunt:avantika go and bring sweets...

Avantika:yes yes...

Than they feeded Eachother with sweets...

Shalini:ok than I'll ask our family preist to arrange the nearly marriage date...

Than after sometime malhotra's went from their...
So that's enough for today...

Next chapter on next Monday...

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