Chapter 3

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Payal is with Raavi in her room...

Payal:so you were telling me that... He said he is doing this marriage just because of his dadi and still you said yes to him


Payal:like why? Girl why? Is he the only boy left on earth... That you're going to marry him

Raavi:I think he is the one for me

Payal:what can i do to you? Are you insane? Like how can you gonna spent your whole life with him when he already told you that he is never gonna love you? Girl you are so beautiful you will get anyone... Even more than 1000 boys were Headonheels for you... And why the hell only him?

Raavi:i have faith on my kanha ji... I believe that one day he will surely going to fall for me... Atleast let me try for once

Payal:i accept my defeat... None can win from u... Do whatever you wanna do but remember one thing if he will do something wrong with u than it will never take a moment for me to smash his face...

Raavi:ok baba... But for now let me marry him


Scene shifts...

Right now shiva is working on some papers in his room but Mahir is just irritating him from past one hour...

Shiva:if you didn't stop than I'll not regret punching you twice on your so called face

Mahir:woah bro relax... Why are u getting hyper

Shiva:cause you were making me... Can't u see I am working leave me for a while

Mahir:how rude... If I am not your best friend I would have leaved u a long ago

Shiva:than do it now... None will stop u

Mahir:you are so mean Shiva... *turn his face other side*

Shiva:don't act like if you are my girlfriend... I am not going to apologize because you deserve that

Mahir:ok am going

Shiva:good to hear..

Mahir lefts from their...

Shiva:god ... I am just irritated now... Need to take a shower...

He goes to take a shower...


Mahir is leaving that's when shalini saw him


Mahir:ji dadi

Shalini:where were u going?

Mahir:dadi i am just leaving

Shalini:no wait... Preist is coming in a while for finding a good date for shiva's marriage

Mahir:ok dadi... I'll stay...

After a while priest arrives their...

Shalini:pls tell a good auspicious day for my grandson's marriage...

Priest started looking at the horoscope of both Shiva and raavi...

Priest:day after yesterday is good for engagement and than after month it's a auspicious day for marriage...

Maya:mummy ji i think it's so soon

Shalini:yes... Pls find some other day it's too early

Priest:well that's the only day because after that no auspicious day is present till  2 years

Shalini:no we can't wait that much... I'll call vidhyunt and ask him if he had any problem with it or not...

Than shalini calls vidhyunt...

On call...

Shalini:vidhyunt i had shown horoscope of both the kids to preist and he is saying that day after tomorrow is good for engagement than after month their is a auspicious day for marriage

Vidhyunt:but i think it's so soon aunty?

Shalini:yaa it is but priest is saying that after that auspicious day is after 2 years.. And we can't wait that much... Now it's upto you... What's you decision?

Vidhyunt:ok than... Let's them get married in upcoming month


Than she cutted the call...

Aditya:maa what did he say?

Shalini:he agreed on getting them both married in one month...

Maya:so I'll started doing preparations...

Shalini:yes we all help u...

Ahuja Villa...

Avantika:what... You said yes for marriage in one month

Vidhyunt:yes because that's the only option left... The other good day for marriage is after 2 years and it would be such a long time

Avantika:yaa it is but still... It's hard for me to let my daughter go away

Vidhyunt:for me it's hard more than u... I just can't saw my daughter goes away but that's the destiny we can't do anything of it

Avantika:yes that's the sad reality...

Vidhyunt:well where is she?

Avantika:ohh... Payal took her out ...

Vidhyunt:ok and where is this boy?

Avantika:don't know... Maybe roaming outside

Vidhyunt:tell him to be mature... His sister is going to get married in one month and he is still behaving like a immature person

Avantika:let it be he is still a kid

Vidhyunt:yaa yaa still a kid... But need to grow up in a mature way too...

Avantika:ok baba ... I'll asked him to behave maturally...

That's enough for today...

Next part is on next Monday...

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