Chapter 5

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Mahir:bro i just don't no you have to take her to date...

Shiva:mahir you know me i am not like that... It's just I can't

Mahir:but shiva she is coming here to leave with you for the rest of ur life... So dont u think that it's your responsibility to make her comfortable with you?

Shiva:look I am not in love with her or never gonna be in future so i dont think it... Else it's her decision to marry me so she has to accept me the way i am

Mahir:are u serious Shiva?

Shiva:yes I am...

Shivani:no way bro... You have to take bhabhi out with you

Shiva:no I am not doing it shivani

Shivani:no bhai you have to do it

Shiva:I'll not

Shivani:for me please bhai...

Shiva:aahgghh... Ok fine I'll go happy now


Mahir:friend is not freind... Love is not love... (Dost dost na raha... Pyaar pyaar na raha)


Mahir:wow bro u just literally didn't agree when I told u and when shivani told u the same thing you agreed...

Shiva:because she is my sister

Mahir:and who the hell am I a monstor...

Shiva:yaa you look like one

Shivani:bhai now call bhabhi and ask her to come

Shiva:no I can't call her

Mahir:now what is the problem?

Shiva:I don't have her number...

Shivani:what? Are you serious bhai you don't have bhabhi's number?


Shivani:ok I'll give you...

Than shivani gives raavi's number to Shiva...

Shivani:now call her bhai

Shiva:right now?



Mahir:now what is the problem Shiva... In upcoming month their is your wedding... So take her today..

Shiva:I have work to do in office

Mahir:are u think us mad... It's sunday today...

Shiva:ok I'll call her but in one condition

Shivani:and what's that?

Shiva:you both have to go from their...

Mahir:but why?

Shiva:because I want that... Now go otherwise I am not going to call her

Mahir:ok... We are going...

Mahir and shivani goes from their while Shiva sighs looking at raavi's number... He was about to call her but his secretary's call came and he picks it up...

On the other side...

Payal:raavi don't you think you are doing hurry for marrying him... He didn't even ask u to meet him... Not even for a single date...

Raavi:he isn't like that... He is quiet cold...

Payal:but still can't he just take out some time for his would be wife...

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