Part 26

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As the last weeks came on, the girls were still planning of giving Brooklyn his baby shower. He had no idea what they were planning but it was supposed to be fun for him since he needed some fun since it seemed that he had been a target constantly.

Brooklyn was now at his 30th week. The due date still seemed like a long way off. Sato was willing for the 36th or 37th week for the c-section unless he was doing really well. Then it might have been possible to wait longer. Sato wanted to give the twins the longest and best time for the babies' lungs to finish developing.

Moving around was quite uncomfortable for Brooklyn. He felt enormous at this point. His back ached a lot, his ankles would swell if he didn't keep them supported on a footrest, there was heartburn at times, the babies were feeling heavy inside him. He had to lay on his left side if he was lying down. Brook had to take at least one nap during the night to maintain energy because the babies constantly tired him out. He had to have at least four small meals during the night to keep himself and the twins fed. They were now at the point of leaving him constantly hungry too.

Aside from all his aches and pains, Brooklyn also began the strong instinct to 'nest.' It was where he was constantly bothered by dirt and dust everywhere. Many little things began to bother him that didn't used to. He just wanted a safe environment for the twins to be born in.

The clan and the Xanatos' did some cleaning around the castle for Brooklyn's sake to keep him happy. If something wasn't cleaned up, the red gargoyle would have hissy fits about it.

There were also the mood swings watching programs too. He could be happy and laughing at one thing, and the next, he could be crying at something. Broadway and Lex found it strange that their brother was acting like this. They had never seen him like this before.

"Why is Brooklyn so upset all the time?" Broadway asked Hudson.

"All this is normal for a pregnant parent, Broadway. I know it is strange for me to see him like this too, but those hormones keepin' his pregnancy goin' are making him act like a pregnant female. Angela be no different when her time comes." Hudson explained. "I seen it with every breeding season."

"Oh, ok. Sorry." Broadway stated.

"It's alright. You just need to understand." The elder declared.

Lex was also listening too. He was being careful in how to talk to Brooklyn as well.

Part of Brooklyn's mood swings were also about how his body was being affected by discomforts too. Then there were the cravings for certain foods too. Mixtures that normally didn't sound good. But it must have had some special nutrient value because Brooklyn craved them.

Ice cream and pickles, peanut butter on chips, he was even wanting pizza! Normally, Brook hated pizza. He was also wanting to eat baby food. Bananas and broccoli together. And many more that the clan didn't find so appealing. Not even the humans. Though Fox understood the cravings. Some of the mixtures just about made others just about want to barf.

"Just humor him, everyone. Get him what he wants when he asks for it. It's not easy taking care of those demanding little lives inside of him and he needs your help to supply the nutrition that he needs." Fox explained. "His babies are just making him have those cravings for certain reasons we can't always describe. I used to have them too."

"I can't wait for the twins to be born so we don't have to keep on seeing him eat those mixtures." Lex complained quietly.

"He'll be back to normal when the twins are born, right Fox?" Angela asked.

"Yes. Keep in mind, Angela that one day when you are carrying the next generation of your clan that you'll likely have strange cravings too." Fox proclaimed.

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