Part 29

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Sunset couldn't come soon enough for the tenants of Castle Wyvern. Soon, stone flakes went everywhere as the gargoyles woke up.

The clan was all too thrilled to be meeting Sienna and Kenji tonight. Brooklyn could also finally start worrying about getting back in shape again. But he still needed a little time alone to bond with the twins. Brook was indeed very attached to them.

Dr. Sato and Elisa came back to the Eyrie building to check on Brooklyn and the twins. It was up to Sato to fully release Brook from the bed.

Sato got to the infirmary and was quiet. He found Brooklyn still in his bed but awake. "Hi, Doc. I really want to hold them and never let go." Kenji and Sienna had also just woken up too.

"That's understandable with new babies... hm. You can't get enough of them." Sato said. "But now, before I let you out of bed, I need to examine you and the twins. Would you mind if I examined your belly tonight?" Sato asked.

"No. But there's really nothing to worry about. My stomach's healed." Brooklyn declared.

"All the same, I just want to have a look at it." Sato replied.

"Alright." Brook gave in.

Sato came up to the bed where he was allowed to pull the blanket back, exposing Brooklyn's belly. It was still a little plump but flatter. Brooklyn also saw that he was devoid of his loincloth. Elisa had it in her hands. She would give it back after the exam.

Though the incision was healed, it had been major surgery on his stomach to get the babies out of him. Brooklyn was lying back and watching as the doctor put his hands on his belly and began feeling around on it. Most of his belly was fine until Sato got to the lower part where the incision had been.

Brooklyn instantly winced. "Ow!"

"Sorry. Does that still hurt?" Sato asked.

"Just a little bit. Otherwise, it's healed. Deep wounds can take an extra day of stone sleep to heal completely." Brook explained.

"Yeah, I had to go deep inside you to get the babies out last night."

Brooklyn didn't want to envision what the doc had seen inside him other than getting his twins out as fast as possible last night. Now that his kids were out of his body, he never wanted to go through this again.

Sato finished his exam on his belly and looked at the spot on his arm too. His arm was just fine compared to his belly.

Then Elisa came up to the bed. "Your clan will be in here soon most likely. You might want to put this on before going out there." She said as she held out his loincloth to him. Brooklyn took it from her.

"Thanks, Elisa." Brooklyn said.

She smiled, saying, "You're welcome."

Sienna and Kenji were starting to feel hungry for their first meal in this new environment. They had been cooing but were beginning to start crying. It alerted their father to their cries. "It's okay, kids. I'm here." Brooklyn said softly to comfort them. "Can I have some privacy, please?"

"Sure." Elisa replied. She and Sato left the room so he could get up out of the bed and get his loincloth on first before he got the twins out of their bassinets.

"What's wrong, guys?" He asked them. Brooklyn wanted so much to understand them, but then they had yet to have their first feedings. He needed to go get the formula ready. With one baby in each arm, he made his way to the door.

He was amazed at how well he was able to walk again so well already after having his whole lower body paralyzed last night for the surgery. But as he moved, Brooklyn felt a lot lighter in his stomach that he hadn't felt for so long. His back no longer hurt, and he could walk like he used to. His stomach still felt tender down low, but he managed. But he also felt the firm lump that was still there too from carrying the twins for so long.

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