Clary's Plan To Get Physical With Jace

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Serena woke the next morning to flowers and breakfast waiting for her, courtesy of her husband. She met him in their office as they prepared for their video call with the Inquisitor.

Jace, Izzy, and Clary had gone out to search Sebastian's apartment only to find him dead. The real Sebastian anyway. His body had also been possessed by the very same demon that killed Clary's mother, so the trio knew exactly how to kill it.

"Good morning, Grandma," Serena greeted as she sat at her desk, her husband, twin and Clary standing around her.

"Good morning, Serena. Hello, Jace."

"Hi, Grandma," Jace said with a small wave.

"As much as I'd love to chat, you said this was a business call?"

"Indeed. We have news for you, Grandma, but it's not good," Serena said gravely before Jace explained how they'd raided Sebastian's home just to find the real one.

"Have you notified the Verlac family yet?" Imogen asked, a grieving expression on her face.

"The Penhallow daughter, Aline, will deliver the message in person, Imogen," Alex replied.

"Defiling the body of a fallen soldier and turning it into a booby trap is sadly par for the course for Valentine, isn't it?" she sighed.

"Unfortunately, but a possessing demon wouldn't have done this on its own," Serena informed.

"The trap could only have been set using the Mortal Cup to command it," Alec finished.

"So he had it all along?" Imogen replied.

"And our intel shows she's also in possession of the Mortal Sword," Alec continued.

"Serena, my dear, please tell me you at least have some good news for your poor grandmother?" Imogen asked and Serena couldn't help but smile.

"I believe I can help with that yes. Valentine and Jonathan believe that our Institute is in possession of the Mortal Mirror, they won't leave the city without it."

"Thank the Angel that at least he wasn't able to find that," Imogen said.

"But the good news doesn't stop there, Grandma. We found the Mirror," Serena said. "Clary?"

"My connection to the angel led us to it. It's in Idris. The Mirror is Lake Lyn."

Imogen's mouth fell open. "That's the very same waters Raziel first rose from."

"Indeed. And it would make sense why my voice didn't work on Clary when she was under the water's influence. Our angel blood is strong but not strong enough to overpower a Mortal Instrument," Serena added.

"Who else knows about this?" Imogen asked and Jace leaned forward.

"Unfortunately, the number of people we can trust is getting smaller by the day. We thought it best to tell you first, Grandma. And we'd like to officially request that soldiers from the Gard be placed in the surrounding woods around the lake. It may only be a matter of time before Valentine realises he's been had."

"I'll speak to Consul Malachi about deployment at once. Good hunting, my dears," Imogen said before the screen turned black.

"So, what do we do now?" Jace asked.

"There's only 9 million people in the metro area. How hard could it be to find two?" Clary remarked.

"This job is too big to go at it alone," Alec said. "We need help."

"From who?" Jace wondered.

"Everyone," his twin answered before she turned to her husband. "You call Luke and Magnus, I'll tackle Raphael and the Seelie Queen."

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