Chapter 1

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The loud chatter of classmates entered one ear and went right out the other one, you carefully walked in between the large amount of people that stalked the hallways. You sighed as someone bumped into you making you lose your balance and falling right on your ass.

You cursed underneath your breath and picked yourself up from the floor seeing that you broke a nail from the impact you grew angry and wanted more then to give the person who bumped into you and said no apology whatsoever a piece of your mind, looking around to check if you could catch a glimpse of him.

As you looked around the crowd, Your eyes met the group of the popular boys.

And there you saw the person who bumped into you which made you fall, You bit down on your lip trying to contain your anger. Your nails were very special to you and it's even more stupid that you had just gotten them done the previous day.

You watched as the jerk laughed with his friends.

You walked up towards them anger radiating off of you, Giving no thoughts in what you were about to do. You were quite impulsive it ran in your genes that's for sure.

"Gojo fucking Satoru." Your tone of voice made Gojo the said jerk turn around with a confused expression on his face, His face lighted up as he recognized you as the mean girl he helped tutor in math three months ago. Math was never really your thing.

"Oh, (L/N), what's up?" He was caught off guard as you kicked him in the nuts. He wasn't expecting you to do something so mean.

"Sh-shit, Why the fuck did you do that for?!" He yelped as he held onto his crotch in pain.

"You bumped into me making me break my freshly done nails!" You said the anger going away slightly as you felt very proud of yourself for hitting Gojo in the nuts.

There was a couple of laughter coming from his friends, Only one boy looked concerned which was kinda cute. Too bad he was most likely a asshole since he was friends with Gojo.

"Really? i ain't even realize i bumped into you, You're too short" He teased blowing a raspberry.

You stared blankly at him, "Not my fucking fault you were born a nba player!" You furrowed your eyebrows simply stating the facts seeing as Gojo's face turned into a angry expression, Uh oh

"Haaa?! Listen her-" Gojo begin but was shushed by the concerned boy who looked very very handsome but that was not the point right now.

What was his name again?

Fuck how did i forgot his name we have the same schedule!

Okkotsu Yuta! There we go.

Yuta looked stressed, he dragged gojo away while giving you a apologetic smile. Probably a façade the rumours about him are anything but good.

Rolling your eyes at the boy, you began to walk back towards your destination.

You finally arrived at your dorm room and opened the door with your keys, Opening the door you were met with Maki and Nobara making out on the couch.

"Get a room." You jokingly said throwing your keys on the counter, The both of them looked up suprised to see you back already.

"Sorry." Nobara said apologetically scratching the back of her head, Maki smirking in the back.

You shrugged your shoulders and plopped on the couch next to them. You let out a loud sigh catching the attention of the two girls who were looking at whatever was playing on the tv.

"You okay?" Nobara was the first to break the silence you sighed again thinking about the whole incident making you angry again.

"Fucking Gojo Satoru happened, That fucker bumped into me and made me break my damn nail! Jeez i don't know what girls see in him like yeah he's attractive but his personality is so ugh him and his stupid friend group." You rolled your eyes not even realizing you rambled.

"I'll grab my bat?" Maki suggested, Nobara grinning happily at the suggestion. You looked at maki and smiled. "Thanks but no thanks i'm not giving Gojo any more time of the day i already got my revenge by kicking him in the nuts."

"That's my girl!" Nobara smirked and slapped your shoulder.

"Deserved." Maki commented.

You sighed again, "Imma head to get some coffee y'all want?" You got up from the couch and grabbed your house keys.

"Nah we good." Maki said, You nodded and began heading towards the coffee shop that was nearby.

Arriving at said coffee shop you quickly ordered your drink and sat down at a table lazily gazing outside the weather outside was quite nice a walk in the park sounds pretty nice.

You looked down at your phone scrolling on instagram waiting patiently for your coffee.

"Oh hey, girl from earlier!" You looked up with a confused look, Furrowing your eyebrows you stared blankly at the eye bagged man who greeted you.

"Hi?" You replied. Confused on why he was talking to you.

"I'm sorry about Gojo, He's an idiot." Okkotsu apologized a guilty expression on his face as he waited for your response.

"Are you his spokesman?" You rose a eyebrow wondering why he was apologizing on Gojo's behalf.

"No no," He chuckled which made him look really cute but you wouldn't admit to that. "I just feel bad about what happened that's all." He smiled.

"There's no reason for you to apologize for your friends stupidity." You stated simply sipping on your drink looking upwards at the tall boy, He was actually very attractive you took a note of that.

"I know but it just feels right, Especially since you're a girl and all that you should be treated with more respect." He said with much proud in his voice.

What a cute thing to say, maybe he's not as bad as they say.

"That's cute." You replied sipping on your drink a genuine smile placed on your face from the boys ramble.

His face turned into a light pink of blush you laughed at his cute reaction.

"Th-thanks?" He muttered out confused.

"Mhmm, Is that all you wanted to say?" You curiously asked as the boy now regained his composure and spoke clearly.

"Uh- Yeah imma go now.. See you around!" He began to go away you watched from afar with a smile on your face.

He was awfully nice for someone who was friends with gojo, Once you even saw him help a old lady cross the street.

You looked to to your right noticing a black haired girl giving you a dirty look.

Who's this bitch?

You stood up and simply walked up towards the girl a smile on your face, "Got a staring problem?" You asked placing both of your hands on the table while staring at the black haired girl.

She was now sweating and shaking cursing herself out in her head.

"N-no." She replied her voice was scared and shaky.

"Good good, now stop glaring at me before i stab out your eyes with a fork, Got it?" You sweetly said leaving before the girl could even reply.

With a smile on your face you left the coffee shop grabbing your phone that was ringing in your pocket.

"What?" You answered while steadily walking on the sidewalk.

"Hi (Y/N)." Yuji's voice was heard from the other line of the phone, With a smile on your face you listened to the boy inviting you to his eldest brother's birthday party, Not the nice one. The mean one.

You tried to decline but to no avail he wouldn't stop pressuring you into coming.

Finally agreeing you ended the call with Yuji and began walking back to your dorm, Maybe it won't be so bad.

Walking inside your door room you sighed.


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