Chapter 19

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Being back at college felt like a breath of fresh air you were gone for only two weeks but it felt longer.

You walked down the long hallway making your way to class, your brows furrowed when you noticed that practically everyone was staring at you.

Another stupid rumor?

You pushed past the people who were standing in your way careful not to trip or fall, as you made your way towards your first class of the day.

You tried to ignore the stares of everyone, but it got to a point where it just pissed you off especially when this one girl was so intently looking your way.

What the fuck is everyone's problem today.

You walked in your class, everyone's heads turning to look your way their eyes widen and began whispering amongst themselves, great.

You made your way towards your desk and sat down placing your needed essentials for class on the desk, you plopped in your airpods and began listening to music.

You looked outside the ginormous window which showcased the big campus of your college, you could distantly see other classmates and professors rushing to who knows where, you tapped your index finger in rhythm with the song you were listening to.

Too deep in your thoughts to notice that someone had sat next to you.

"Hey there." He tapped your shoulder, you mentally sighed and turned to look at the culprit who decided to disturb your time alone.

Your brows raised, "Kenjaku, i don't recall taking this class with you." You say, you felt a bit irritated with his presence.

"I changed schedules so we can have some classes together, isn't that great?" He smiles, his smile looked off, you bit down on your lip trying not to show your evident disappointment with him.

"Great." You spoke through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, great. Anyway you saw the new student?" He asks, his eyes glistening with mischief as he spoke.

"New student? This late in the school year?" You knitted your brows, a bit shocked that they accepted a student so late in the year. Summer break was in two months what was the point of them transferring?

Kenjaku shrugged, "people are saying her family has power and influence of some sort that's why they accepted her." He explains, you quickly catch on his little smirk when the words her escaped his lips.

You felt nauseous.

"Her?" You question, your heart stammering in your chest, hoping for it not to be who you think it is.

"Yeah her, she's caused some chaos ever since she came she's been talking about you a lot, no good things though." He explains, his eyes studying your reaction with precise.

You felt your heart drop down to your ass as realization downed on you.

"Explains why everyone's been staring at me like i came back from spring break with three heads." You quickly put two and two together, a smile now adoring your face.

"Where might this new student reside?" You got up from your seat, Kenjaku quite taken back by your actions. "She's somewhere around here." He wasn't expecting this.

You patted Kenjaku's hair and began to leave the classroom, you took long strides towards where all the ruckus was coming from, leaving Kenjaku behind while he rushed to get up after you.

Infront of you stood Rika Orimoto, drying her fake tears as she sobbed. Seriously does this girl not know when to quit?

Just as you were about to go and confort her, a hand clasped around your arm holding you steadily in your place, if it was Kenjaku you swore you would punch him instead.

"She's not worth it." The soft familiar voice made you pause, your thoughts about Rika suddenly disappearing when you averted your gaze towards him.

Your lips formed in a smile like it was second nature. "Yuta." Your eyes slightly widen. You hadn't seen the boy for about two weeks and you swore he looked better then before, like he had a glow up when he left, "did you spend your spring break in a salon?" Shit. You wasn't supposed to say that out loud you slapped your free hand on your mouth.

Yuta looked taken back by what you said, his lips forming into a smile. A deep chuckle erupted from his throat.

"Shit. Sorry i didn't mean to say that out loud, and i didn't mean it in a bad way or anything i was just taken back because you look different but in a good way you look really good." You rambled, for the first time in your life your words escaped your mouth before you could even process what you said.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Yuta didn't looked weirded out, actually - his cheeks were painted red and he had a cute smile adorning his face. "Thank you, (Y/N)." He replied, taking in how you looked as well before speaking again. "You look pretty today as well." He complimented you, feeling a bit flustered himself at his own bold choice of words.

Wow. Your stomach was doing somersaults overflowing with butterflies, you felt your heart beating fast in your chest. You probably looked stupid right now.

"Thank you.." You muttered shyly, finally gaining a bit of composure all thoughts about beating Rika the fuck up disappeared instantly when your eyes met his. It felt like your brain was only working with one brain call, that one brain cell being called Yuta cell. 

"Let's get out of here, yeah?" He suggested, slowly reaching his hand to hold yours. He didn't want a repeat of what happened back at his house months ago, he didn't want you to get in trouble.

"Yeah. Okay." You nodded, your whole body complying with every word he uttered.

He was lucky you were smitten by him.

You walked away from the situation behind you two, your fingers intertwined, sharing glances of unspoken emotions that was buried deep beneath your hearts, it felt like flowers blossomed when your eyes met. The light reflected across the necklace he gifted you just merely two weeks ago, his smile widened when he catched a glimpse of it, a sign of him that you were wearing.

Behind you two stood Rika Orimoto and Kenjaku Geto, sharing a knowing look.

"I just can't get between them." Kenjaku spoke, "everytime i try he just shows up and ruins everything."

Rika looked up towards the black haired male, "try harder, i want Yuta and you want (Y/N) we both need to get what we want."

"Whatever." Kenjaku muttered and began taking his leave.

Rika knew what she wanted, and she will get it no matter what.

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