Chapter 14

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The following morning you woke up bright and early seeing as you had morning classes, the loud chatter of students in the hallway made you wish you hadn't forgotten your airpods at the dorm.

"Hey (Y/N)! Wait up!"A voice called from behind you, making you stop in your tracks and turn to face the culprit.

"Kenjaku, hello." You simply greeted not even bothering to smile his way as you began to walk again, Kenjaku following you suit.

"You're not even gonna smile?" He asks, his height making him hover behind you as you swallowed built up saliva.

"It's 6am, there's nothing to smile about." You say, Kenjaku chuckled behind you, "there's plenty to smile about doll."

The nickname doll made you internally cringe.

Like seriously who did he think he was?

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?"

"It's cringe," You give him a look from behind your shoulder as you entered your class, hoping that it would get rid of him, but to no avail he followed you in.

"Wanna come over tonight?" He ignored your comment, sitting down on top of the teacher's desk gathering the attention of the other students in your classroom.

"I'm busy, need to study for finals." You shrugged him off, it was partially clear that you didn't wanna hang out, it was true you had a nice time last night but you needed some time to figure out if you really wanted to continue anything with him.

"Great, we can study together." He suggested. No. demanded, the look in his eye was coated with anger. You could feel that his patience was running thin with your endless rejection's.

Does this man not know how to take a hint?

"Fine, just studying." You pointed your index finger towards him, brows raised as you waited for his answer.

"Just studying." He repeated your words, his face wearing a sly smile, he got off the teacher's desk and made his way towards you. Placing a soft kiss against your head while he made his way out the classroom, victory radiating off of him.

You could hear a bunch of „ohhh's" from your classmates, "shut the fuck up!" As if on cue your teacher walked in, his arms instantly crossing against his chest.

"(Y/N)! No such foul language shall be used in my class!" Your teacher yelled anger bobbling off of him, "sorry." you mumbled underneath your breath.

"These damn kids nowadays." He mumbled, beginning to write on the board.


You plopped on your bed, school finally being over you decided to let sleep overtake your body as it was in desperate need for a nap.

However the universe had different plans for you.

Your dorm room busted open, revealing a distraught Yuji.

"Yuji come on, it's 9am i need a nap." You whine, plopping your head back on your pillow.

"IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" He yelled through his tears, his sobs echoing throughout your room.

You sighed, sitting up against the bed frame you patted your bed next to you where you made enough space for Yuji to sit. Seeing the open invitation Yuji jumped right next to you his head on your chest as you cradled him like a baby.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" You asked in a low tone, seemingly concerned for the pink haired boy.

"Jennifer Lawrence is married!" He said in between sobs, as he frantically shaked in your arms.

You stopped rubbing his back, your face now blank.

"You got to be joking right."

"I know right?" He exclaimed, "who would've thought she would do this to me!" He continued to wail.

"She's been married for five years! Get out of my room with this nonsense i wanna sleep!" You pushed the boy out of your arms, as he plopped on the floor like a fish.

"You're mean! I'm going through something right now!" He got up from the floor, rubbing his head seeing as he hit it on the floor.

"Come on Yuji, she's a celebrity." You tired to reason with the boy, but to no avail he left your room still sobbing.

You groaned, "can this day get any worse?"

Yes it can.

You tried to focus on your laptop, reading through articles.

Kenjaku's hand was placed on your thigh, rubbing small circles against your skin.

You tried to ignore it, but he got way too close for your liking, you paused your reading and turned to face him. "What are you doing?" With raised brows, your eyes flickered to him and his hand that was still gripping on your thigh.

"Me? Oh nothing. Just studying." He shrugged his shoulders, wearing a devilish grin.

"I'm not dumb." Your voice was stern, your eyes glaring at the man next to you.

"That's why i like you." He whispered, getting closer towards you. His lips inches apart.

"What are y-" Your question was interrupted by his lips against yours. He roughly moved them against yours, you were shocked. What made him think you were trying to kiss him? Was he insane?

After regaining your composure, you pushed him away. Standing up from the ground furiously.

He laid there confused, "what?"

"Get the fuck out." You say, pointing towards the front door.

"Wait, i'm sorry!" He said, getting up from the ground walking closer towards you.

"Get the fuck out! What made you think i wanted to kiss you!" You yelled, frustrated by the audacity he had. Your heart pounding inside your chest.

"I got the wrong impression! Please i'm sorry let me make it up to you." He begged, bringing his hands closer. Trying to crease your face.

"Touch me again and i swear i will throw this fucking lamp at you." You threatened, your right hand holding loosely on the lamp behind you.

He however didn't budge and his hands were on your face, your eyes closing in shock.

Memories from Sukuna echoed through your mind, rendering you scared and hopeless. Was he gonna do the same?

"Please let me make it up to you." He begged his voice soft, "i fucked up, i got the wrong hints."

Your eyes opened again, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill.

The way Sukuna's rough hands touched your body inappropriately left a mark on you.

"Please just, leave." You whispered, Kenjaku spared you one more look before he left his mind set on making it up to you.

Your heard the door close, that's when you dropped to you knees in tears. No longer being able to ignore your feelings.

It was safe to say, you were traumatized from what happened. People would say you were pathetic if they found you crying about something that happened two weeks ago. But you couldn't get over it.

Every time you looked in they mirror you couldn't bare to stare at your body any longer then one minute, you felt his hands. You heard his words that echoed inside your mind.

You relived that day every night when you closed your eyes.

The same repeating nightmare, the what ifs.

The only thing that gave you solace was his smile.

He stepped in and saved you. And that was enough for him to make his way through your guarded heart.

Yuta Okkotsu, his name alone bringed you great comfort.

𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝? - 𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐨𝐤𝐤𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now