Chapter 12

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After ten excruciating minutes, you could finally leave the room, not before Kenjaku bugged you about giving him your phone number, which you complied seeing as you already agreed on a date.

Saying a quick goodbye you exited the room, quick to look for any sign of Yuta.

You entered the crowded living room once again, the music even louder then before as you made your way through through the crowd, none of your friends in sight.

Picking up your phone, you texted Yuta asking him where he was. Which he quickly replied saying he was stuck with a girl in a room that was locked he was practically begging you to come and help him out.

Why in the world was he also stuck the same way you were as well?

Did Gojo do this? Probably.

You let out a sigh and quickly followed the direction's Yuta sent, you entered a big hallway with four different rooms leading to who knows where.

You could hear distant voices coming from the room on your right, which you could only assume that it was where Yuta was trapped in.

You began trying to open the door, but it didn't budge seeing as it was locked made your situation worse. You could hear shuffled feet coming towards the door, "(Y/N) is that you?" Yuta's sweet voice called out from the other side of the door, you heard a small scoff from inside the room. Probably from whatever girl was in there with him.

"This shit is locked!" You yelled back, as a idea struck your mind. "Yuta, step away from the door," You say, your lips forming into a smirk as you walked further away from the door.

"Why?" Yuta yelled, continuing to stand at the door confused, "just move the fuck out of the way!" You yelled, catching your breath as you ran towards the door full speed, your shoulder making impact with the door as it busted open. Yuta stood there shocked, his eyes glistening with excitement and happiness from seeing you.

On the other hand the girl he was with was unhappy that her chances with Yuta were ruined, she glared daggers at you.

After finally breaking in, your ankle twisted uncomfortably, hearing a small crack coming from your right ankle.

You collapsed on the floor, Yuta tired to catch you but he was too late as you already had fallen much to his dismay.

"Shit, are you okay?" He asked, his tone filled with worry as he crouched down to check on you.

"Fresh as a daisy!" You smiled happily, trying to get up on your feet but it hurt too much. "Though i think i sprained my ankle." You laughed, as you felt the pain from your swollen ankle throb.

"Here let me check.." Yuta said, laying his eyes on your ankle. Carefully touching it as you sucked in a breath from his cold hands touching your ankle.

"Yeah, that's definitely sprained, it's pretty bad.. Your lucky you didn't get hurt worse." He raised his head to meet your gaze, you could only focus on how good he looked, he wore a black long sleeve with black baggy jeans a matching black belt pulling the outfit together, however it allured you even more, his scent was intoxicating. His eyes filled with concern as his eyes searched through yours.

"You asked for my help and i helped, don't complain now." You shrugged, wearing a teasing smile on your face.

"You know.. You quite literally fell for me." He teased, his lips turning into a boyish grin.

"Can't say i didn't." You teased him back, ignoring the twinge of pain you felt in your ankle.

"I'm out of here." The brunette girl butted in, walking forward towards you and Yuta, "i'll be waiting for that date pretty boy." She smirked as she exited the room, not before glaring at you as she made her way out.

𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝? - 𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐨𝐤𝐤𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now